The Beginning

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        "This is it!" I screamed from my bedroom. This was my first day of middle school, or as i call it The Beginning of my new life. As i stood there in the front of my dirty mirror, i was fixing my bow.

        "It has to be perfect," I whspered so no one in the house would hear. As I checked one last time to see if my new shoes wear still clean, if my backpack still had the pricetag on it, or even if the lipgloss I was wearing smeared on anything everything was good to go.

        "Tori hurry the hell up!" My mom screamed, I checked hte clock and it was already 7:30 A.M.

        "Im already late on my first day of school," I thought this to myself knowing what my mom would to respond to this. My mom drove to school so fast im surprised we didnt get a ticket, but with all the cars and almost everyone with the exact same car im pretty sure if the officer was going to give a ticket they would have arrested the wrong person. As I got out the car i suddenly realized that this is actually real.

        "D201" I said to myself. This was my hoomeroom, as i walked to 1st period i saw a lot of my old friends but i decided to meet everyone in the classes I had instead. I walked in and immediately noticed a man with a microphhone attached to him. 

        "Hello, im Mr.Johnson," he held out his and for me to shake but i decided to give a smile and a wave becuse this man seemed a little uneasy. And just as I sat down alone at one of the tables all hope rushing out of my body I saw someone come through the door and i got the biggest grin on my face.

        It was my bestfriend. Mayghan.

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