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I ran in to her arms and squeezed so tight I'm pretty sure she couldn't breathe. We sat next to each other and a few people I didn't know them, but she did sat at our table. The teacher kept talking but no one was listening, we all just kept talking about our summer.

The bell rang for the next period. All of my classes went by so fast it seemed like the rest of the year would be a piece of cake.

I went to Mayghan's house that day we kept talking about who we thought was cute.

"Roger?" She said, I made this ugly face to show what I thought. Then she came to one name that would change my fate.

"James" I hid my face because that's the boy I had a crush on. She saw the look on my face and immediately started making fun of me.

"Tori has a crusshhhh!" I kept saying no, but she already knew I liked him.

That night I left her house I decided to Text her and saw what she had done. Her kik name had changed, it changed to something I never thought she would do.

She changed it to "Tori has a crush J"

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