Memories of old

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As the week went by I was itching to go and slaughter every single member of the Royal family for marching on the very soil of my home, but to also have the audacity to try and force my daughter to marry one of the three Prince's of Midland, this is unacceptable, but I will exact vengeance in due time, for now I will enjoy the peace and quiet of my estate. When I arrived I made my way to the gallery and as I was browsing through the artworks a particular portrait caught my eye, it was one of me and my officer's before we went to our first battle, most of them were my cousins,second cousins and so on. But those who weren't Blackstone were the strongest as they didn't achieve their rank through birthright but through skill and persistence, because they had to defeat a Blackstone in order to acquire their position. After this was painted each officer had a portrait of their own individual cohort which contains at least five hundred troops each one of them with an eager and merry expression.
But only half of the Ebony legion returned home and they never shall be replaced or forgotten. I remember how we drank and sang to our hearts content after every victory which always kept our spirits high, although we had to have them party separately because quite a bit of the women had to return home.

As I was reminiscing my past I heard a knock on the door, I turned to see a young sixteen year old woman who I call my daughter. She looked exactly like her mother at that age say for the blonde hair that she received from me. "Look those old portraits again father? " She asked in a curious tone. "Why are you here ? The assault on Dolbrey doesn't happen for another two days." She then replied. "I thought you might be lonely so I decided to come and visit you." I must've had a worried look on my face because she asked again."You are worried about Wilk aren't you?" "Why wouldn't I be," I said taking a long pause as tears rolled down my cheek as I feared the worse. "He is my son and your brother." Kali seeing me in distress decided to return to Black mountain.
I remained at the estate for another day looking at all of the paintings of every battle the Ebony legion has taken part in. Since every battle was well documented to the point where I decided to paint each one to honor the memory of the fallen.

On that same day before I left for Black mountain I visited the crypt which had been the resting place for all who have served in the Ebony legion, with each soldier's coffin decorated by their families and loved ones, but those who had neither had their fellow soldier's decorate them. And as a final way to preserve their memory is to enchant the coffins to protect their bodies and coffins so that they will never either away from time. As I entered the crypt I am met by one of the crypts two guards Phobos, he was the son of Ares God of war, and the Greek god of fear, like his father he had the armor of the ancient Spartans but his chest was bare say for the ghostly mist. "Who enters the crypt?" He said in a raspy and spine chilling voice. "The master of this land and Commander of the Ebony legion." I said as the stone floor beneath me began to turn to ice. "You may enter, they are waiting for you." He said ononomusly. As I continued down I was met by the second guard, brother to Phobos, Diemos the Greek god of terror. Unlike his father Diemos wears more modern armor, well at least with his legs and head as the rest of his body is bare. "Greetings my Lord Blackstone, have you come to visit the fallen?" He said in a voice simmalar to his brother. "Yes Diemos, now let me pass." I said with feeling a bit uneasy as the god of terror loomed over me. "As you say my Lord." He said before he stepped aside letting me through.
When I reached the center of the crypt I walked towards a statue of a wolf howling as a man mounted on it was cheering this is the emblem of the Ebony legion. I then kneeled before and spoke to the dead. "Fallen soldier's of the Ebony legion, I am grateful for your sacrifice's you made for your Homeland, now your son's and daughter's have taken your place in the legion and proudly wear your armor that once belonged to their father's and mother's, and for those who perish in the name of the Ebony legion will be burried along side you. And in time so will I with my son leading your descendents. Farewell my old commerades until we meet again." As I finished my message to the fallen I felt a hand on my shoulder, I then turned to see my beautiful wife with a compassionate gaze. And without a word spoken we departed for Black mountain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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