The Blackstone Berserker

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This is Black mountain it has been my ancestral home for many centuries, it has withstood the armies of the Roman empire, Germany, France, and even the Holy see. It has never fallen to any of them, the reason being that my family is willing to lay down their lives as collateral for the sake of our home. We have a saying, war is in human nature so we shall master its arts. And yet again the armies of our current enemy are attempting to seize control of our homeland but they will be crushed under the boots of Blackstone soldiers like many armies before them. To us they are simply insects that need to be crushed under our boots.

The armies of Midland say they are hunting heretics and that it is the will of their god that they will invade if we don't turn them over, but I knew that this was just a front to justify their invasion saying "It is the will of God" I doubt any of them has even read the bible. But they will blindly follow their king like a sheep would follow a shepard who is piss drunk and is as blind like them.

"Ugra!" I called out to my servant as I observed the base of the Black mountain with the flashes and smoke of cannon fire blanketing it. "What do you require master Andrew?" My servant who just entered was Ugra, a goblin who had three iron rings in his ear as well as chainmail underneath his torn and ripped clothes. "I require my armor and weapons if you would, and could you also inform Red-eye to move our soldiers to the main gate and prepare for a breach." "As you wish my lord, I cannot wait to see you and the Ebony legion crush midland like the bugs they are." He said in a joyous and gleeful tone.

After twelve or so minutes of me pacing back and forth barely containing my excitement at the thought of being on the battlefield again as I haven't fought in a battle within the span of twelve years. I heard a knock on the door. "Enter." Ugra along with five other hobgoblins entered my room along with my two short swords. This particular armor has two enchantments that give the wearer both the immunity to pain and a steady supply of adrenaline for long term combat. I have slaughtered thousands of enemies with this armor earning me the title of the Blackstone Berserker. Ten minutes later my servants had equipped armor and gave me my blades and not a moment later I had heard crashing on my door. This repeated until it broke down. There were at least twenty soldiers that broke into my room and all were knights who came from the wealthiest families in midland, all of them had the best armor money could buy. "Lord Blackstone by order of the prince of mid-laur." As the knight began to speak I quickly silenced him by throwing my sword to his throat. And what happened next can only be described as a starving wolf in a room full of lambs, a slaughter.
I could feel my armor taking over as I charged at them like a raging bull. Their screams had filled the air like music and their blood had painted the walls red. After they had been dealt with I made my way to the main courtyard where the battle was taking place. My bloodlust was not settled as I leaped into the fray without regard for my own life with one of the midland soldiers had attempted to impale me as he charged, but an instant later the foolish soldier found himself on the ground with his intestines spilling out as he looked up in horror to see the man who delivered him to the Grimm reaper the Blackstone Berserker.
Two more foolish men tried to charge at me both of them trying to keep me focused on the other. A good plan in theory until your enemy knows what you are doing. I grabbed the first one's spear, broke it in half, and impaled the poor man's head with his comrade's own spear, with his comrade decapitated soon after.

After the span of two hours I started to get bored, so bored in fact that I shouted to the sky. "Come on is there anyone who can at least wound me?!" And then I was answered by a spear to my stomach, it didn't pierce my armor but the force behind it caused me to cough up blood. "Finally," I whispered underneath my breath. "I shall face you!" said a man who I'd thought I would never see on the battlefield, prince Richard one of the king's brats, and as this was said the fighting had ceased. I even tried to stifle a laugh but ended up laughing my ass off. "Is something amusing to you mutt?!" Said the pompous prince as I continued to laugh. "Oh I'm sorry your lordship but let me ask you this, what do you hope to do against an experienced master of war I wonder?" "And what makes you think I won't kill you?" He was furious you could see it in his eyes. "You would not believe how many times those were the famous last words of previous prince's and king's before you, but your the prince of midland so that is a clear difference that you will be able to kill me. Is that what your thinking?" The prince was shaking in rage and fury that I assumed that he might explode. "What's this, did the so-called pathetic dog strike a nerve?" The prince lunged at me swinging his sword wildly in an attempt to kill me. "You will die for insulting me!" And to which I replied, "No you will die for your arrogance." I then grabbed him by the throat and stabbed him in the stomach about thirteen times I think. Before I let him die, but I had one burning question that felt like it would kill me if not answered. "Tell me why you are here and perhaps I'll spare you depending on the answer. Sound good?" I said with hatred and disgust. "We are here to hunt heretic-arg!" He was cut off as I plunged my sword into his right thigh for lying to my face. "Lying won't help you get out of this so come clean and tell me or die!" "Like I said we are here to hunt down heretics. But we were also given the order to capture princess Kali to make her into my younger brother's bride." Rage built up inside of me and I asked him another question, "Do you know who I am?" I asked the dying wretch. "Only that you are a Blackstone dog." "Wrong answer." I said with a grin,"I am the lord of this land and the father of the girl you came to collect." In my anger, I plunged my sword into his throat and killed the bastard without a second thought. I then turn to the remaining telling them this, "Tell your king this if he wants to take my daughter to be his son's bride, tell him that he should come down himself! Now go I won't be as merciful if you return."  They ran to the gates as if hell was behind then but soon their despair took hold. "Oh, I almost forgot I'll only need one of you to relay the message the rest of you will die, so who will be the lucky messenger? Red-eye I will leave the decision to you." "As you command my lord." said the commander of the garrison who was a goblin with a Red-eye as his name suggests. As the symphony of screams and terror filled the air like a choir of despair while I made my way to the war room to discuss with my lieutenants how we will retaliate.

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