looting system.

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Looting system 

Location system

Certain locations will give you certain types of loot, a convenient store will carry things like candy bars, bottles of water and any snacks that had gone bad. You can sometimes yet rarely find a pistol of a bat there. You may take things apart to create a weapon or any defense type object.

A pharmacy will carry basic medical things like Advil, bandages, pain killers, etc. You can set up a small base here but you can not constantly loot it. 

Hospitals, here you can find more advanced medical gear, but be careful dangerous creatures like to lurk around and capture their prey. These types of infected are rarely found and only skilled character is allowed to enter.

Choice system

For some things you will be given the choice on what you'd like to collect, you can find a certain about of supplies that you desperately need or maybe even food that you need. I will give you a choice on the loot but you can't change it afterward.

On the rare chances, you find a weapon i will choose if you keep it or lose it, if you disagree with me then you can ping a mod who will assist you in what happens.

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