6. R or L, Bowstring or Lemon

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The whole process of getting into the hotel was like trying to break out of a top security prison. Hanyu was well protected.

Obviously, Lilis noticed the person waiting for her as soon as the girls entered the small café reserved for the guests. In an eye blink, Clara disappeared. Lilis just hoped Nathan wasn't anywhere near.

But once Clara disappeared, so did Lilis' fear. She focused her look on the familiar figure skater whose eyes were locked onto her. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, like he was ready to run at any moment.

Then and there, Lilis decided to be casual about the whole situation. Seriously, there was nothing weird or scary about having a cup of coffee with some guy she just met.

He stood up and offered a warm smile. In return, Lilis offered her hand. 'He has very soft palms' she concluded.

"I thought we were having coffee." She smiled, eyeing the Coca-Cola in front of him.

He shrugged, "Don't like coffee. My hands... Too like shaky."

"I see..." she nodded, ordering a simple short espresso.

"I like coffee. After a while, my hands stopped shaking. Now it's just my brain."

The guy smiled in response and Lilis decided that she liked how he looked with it. 

"Did you eat?" He asked, somewhat concerned.

"I had breakfast at my hotel."

"Hmmm, then coffee okay."


"Hmmm, this hotel I like."

"Do you usually dislike your hotels."

"I don't like to leave my home, and I don't like small hotel. Evelyone looks to me."

"You get noticed?"

"Yeah... But I feeling so bad if I don't take picture."

"Well, you have a right for privacy."

"Yeah, this hotel I like, for that."

"It was hard to get in though."

"Sorry." He giggled.

"How did you find me?" Lilis suddenly asked, making the very soft Yuzuru gulp, a look of guilt occupying his face.

"I see you, in audience."

"So... You had people follow me?"

"Well.... Yeah.... I'm sorry about that too." He squinted apologetically, making his eyes disappear.

"It's okay... I guess, I just wanted to know."

......... ........ ......

"No - Lilis." She giggled, trying her best not to snort like she usually did, hiding that bad habit of hers.

"Rrr, Liriz?" Yuzuru's face showed absolute concentration.

The girl covered her mouth, surpassing the urge to laugh.

She knew Japanese people had a problem with saying her name, yet she always found the struggle amusing. There was something sadistic in that.

"It's all L."

"I... It's same to me. It's problem, always." He sighed, finally giving up, but seeming disappointed in himself still.

"I know, it's okay. You can call me Ri."


"I spent some time in Japan when I was a child. Japanese call me Ri." She shrugged.

He made a surprised face.

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