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"Oh! He's so good!" Seulgi mumbled when she saw Kai practicing on the other side of the court.

Today is the day of their School's Dance battle against Kai's, everyone was shouting and screaming making Jisoo nervous more.

"Sorry guys but I need something right now" Jisoo said

She didn't wait for her classmates' response and quickly walked into a vendo machine. When she got her soda she opens it but sadly someone bumped into her shoulder making the soda fell, she got worried that the person behind her might got hurt because the hallway had too much students, its hard to walk proper. She was about to ask the unfamiliar tiny woman that bumps her but the latter shouted.

"Get out of my way! I'm already late!" She pushed aside Jisoo but luckily she manage to balance herself.

She picked up the soda can and threw it into the trash bin and inserted another coin to the machine. After a few minutes she walked back into their room, everyone was wearing their costumes already.

"Jisoo! Where did you go!? You made me worried" Jisoo gulped hard as she saw Jennie walking towards her

"Uhm.....I just bought a can of—"

"We're going to start the program after Ten minutes! Get ready!" Their PE teacher said

"I'll let this pass Kim Jisoo. Go change your clothes. NOW"

Jisoo rushed into bathroom and changed her clothes.

After ten minutes the program started like what their teacher said, all of them are nervous especially Jisoo. She knows that she's not good at dancing, she's afraid for making mistakes and worried for what people will going to say about her.

"Kim Jongin! Kim Jongin! Kim Jongin!" A lot of Girls are screaming Kai's name including Jennie, he's doing his solo performance while his schoolmates are standing behind him.

"I hate myself" Jisoo mumbled, she hates herself that her dancing skills is not enough to make Jennie proud like how she is for Kai. She honestly wants to practice more, to improve but she can't because she needs to work.

When Kai finished his performance, his schoolmates started to dance behind. Their movements didn't fail to amaze Jisoo, they're moving their body very synchronized to the music. Jisoo was busy for watching the other school's performance but Seulgi nudged her.

"What?" Jisoo asked, annoyed

"Chill Kim. I just wanted to inform you that the girl who you encountered a while ago is performing there now"

Jisoo looks at the bear who's smiling like a idiot.

"You saw it?"

Seulgi nodded, she was there at the hallway awhile ago because she wants some drinks too but she saw the tiny girl bumped into Jisoo and shouted.

"And you didn't even help me to follow her?"

"Why would you follow her? Do you like her?"

Jisoo blushed and looked away

"Oh! You like her?" Seulgi shakes Jisoo's shoulder

"Its not that I like her. I just find her....c-cute" Jisoo removes Seulgi's hands from her "I just wanted to follow her to say sorry. That's a-all"

"Oh is that the real reason?" Seulgi asked and Jisoo nodded "Then ok. But let me show your where she is" she tilt Jisoo's head into the tiny girl's direction.

"Her name is I'm Nayeon, she's my classmate back then but we're not that close. I know you might think that she's rude because of what she did but I swear she's sweet and caring person." Seulgi wanted to talk Jisoo more about Nayeon but Irene called her. Jisoo felt that someone is looking at her but she just ignored it because she wanted to watch Nayeon.

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