Chapter 1: A long nights sleep

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Makoto's POV     ???
Makoto wondered, for how long had he been the great seal? To him it felt like eons had past with him holding back humanities collective yearning for death - Erebus. He wondered what his friends were doing down on Earth, did Junpei ever get an actual girlfriend? What about the seniors, Mitsuru and Akihiko? What did they do after leaving Gekkoukan? But by far the biggest question he had was, what happened to Aigis? He didn't want to leave them but, what other choice did he have?
He wondered what would have happened if he hadn't declined Ryoji kun's offer, but he quickly stopped himself. NO!! He shouted at himself. This was my choice to make, and I made my decision, now I have to live with it's consequences.
His thoughts, though, were soon interrupted by a blood curdling howl as a large black hand reached out from it's dark home, towards the gate he guarded. But, before it could reach him, a bright light shined in front of him, causing him to be moved and twisted in weird ways, until finally, he regained his senses in a room he was all too familiar with.

3rd Person POV     ???
Two beings stood on either side of a table, one a mass darkness, the other, a man with a butterfly mask on.
The dark mass spoke up first, "Do you really think that you can win this game, there is no way someone can change the past, no matter how powerful you think these kids are!"
"Do not underestimate their power, Nyarlatotep, alone they might not be able too preform such a feat but together they are very capable."
Nyarlatotep laughed at this thought, "You will never learn will, Philemon, very well then .... let it ... begin."
As Nyarlatotep dispersed in to the darkness, the masked man Philemon shook his head and advised, " Don't get too confident now, that is how you lost to the hands of Tatsuya Suou"

Yu's POV     May 12/ Afternoon
As Yu looked out of the window of the train, he smiled upon seeing Inaba far back in the distance. He was sad upon leaving all his friends, all the great people, especially Nanako and all his friends, behind, but all the while glad that it was all finally over, they had found out who the murderer was and had defeated Sho Minazuki, now, they could rest easy for a while.
But, he might have said that a little too soon as a fog enveloped the train, blocking any view of what was behind it. Just then did Yu notice that the compartment he was in was strangly empty, the only note worthy thing there was a strange door right in the middle of it, a door that looked strangely familiar.

Makoto's POV     ???/ Velvet Room
Makoto looked around the room he was in, observing the velvet furniture, floor and walls. But the velvet room wasn't as he remembered it. It didn't look like the elevator, constantly travelling upwards, like he remembered it to be, instead, it looked like one of those clairvoyance booths you would find at amusement parks, with multiple curtains draped across the walls. In front of him was a large wooden table covered with a velvet sheet, in the middle of the table, was a deck of tarot cards placed upside down.
From the corner of his eye, he saw another person, sitting in a chair much like his, he had white hair with a white shirt and black jacket on. He too noticed Makoto and observed him.
"I'm guessing you're a persona user too?", he asked.
Makoto shifted in his chair, " Yeah I am, the name's Makoto Yuki."
"Yu Narukami, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise", Makoto nodded and looked to the opposite side of the table, where a new person now sat, Igor. Behind him stood Elizabeth, along with two other people dressed in all velvet who he didn't recognise, other velvet room attendants? The silence was finally broken by Yu.
" It's been a while Igor, I haven't seen you or Margaret since we fought Izanami", Makoto was surprised by Yu's knowledge about the velvet room and quickly asked, " You know about Igor and the velvet room?" Yu looked over at him and nodded, "He aided me in Inaba. There was this weird murder case going around in which he helped me discover the identity of the murderer."
Makoto nodded, though, wondered, his friends hadn't been able to see let alone go into the velvet room, so then why could Yu do it? His thoughts were cut short though whe Igor began to speak,
" Before I explain to you what is going on, there is but one more guest that must show up", as he said this, Igor gestured to an empty seat in between the two boys that Makoto knew hadn't been there before. After a moment or so, a girl appeared in the chair, she had auburn hair with hair pins in them, forming the Roman numeral "XXII", red eyes and a Gekkoukan high school uniform. As she opened her eyes, she began observing her surroundings, then finally noticing him, Yu, Igor and the velvet room attendants. Igor began to speak,
"Now that all the necessary guests are present, I shall continue with my explanation. All of you have entered the velvet room before, Makoto Yuki, Yu Narukami, and finally, Hamuko Arisato.", So she was a persona user capable of entering the velvet room too? Igor continued, "You three have been chosen to preform a special mission, but to do so, you two will need to change your fates.", Igor said the last line while gesturing towards them, him and, for some reason, Hamuko. Though his explanation was met with looks of confusion from both Makoto and Hamuko.
"What I mean to say is that, you two, have been given a second chance to obtain the endings you desire." Igor rephrased.
Before Makoto even processed the words he just heard,the girl next to him, Hamuko, stood up swiftly and asked, " What about being the great seal, if I leave, wouldn't that let Nyx be freed?". Upon hear these words, Makoto turned towards her, "What are you talking about! I'm the great seal, I fought Nyx and sealed it away." They both stared at each other in confusion, but their staring contest was cut short when Igor began to speak.
"Do not worry, Mr. Makoto and Ms. Hamuko, you see, both of you might look and feel different from each other, but you share the same soul, the same core if you will, just from parallel worlds." What was Igor talking about, Makoto wondered, same core!? What does that even mean! He was utterly confused, until Hamuko spoke up.
"So what you mean to say is, that we are the same person, just from different worlds?" The pieces began to fit in Makoto's head as Igor responded, "Precisely. As for your previous worry, do not fear it shall all be cleared up when I explain to you the reason of you three have been called here." Makoto finally spoke up, putting forth the question they had all been asking themselves, "So then why are we here, and, who are the people behind you, aside from Elizabeth?"
Before Igor could answer, the man who stood behind him spoke up, " Allow me to introduce us, I am Theodore, an attendant of the velvet and the one who aided Ms. Hamuko on her journey, but please just call me Theo." After that, Theo gestured over to the woman standing next to him, "This is Margaret, another of the velvet room attendants and the oldest out of all of us, she aided Mr. Yu on his journey." Margaret nodded and greeted them as Theo continued, " Finally, this is my other sister-." Before Theo could continue, but Elizabeth cut him off, "l am Elizabeth! It is a pleasure to meet you two. I am sorry to say, though, that our youngest sister could not make It here in time." This younger sister Elizabeth spoke of peeked Makoto's interests, but he quickly brushed it aside when Igor began to speak.
"In the future, after you two have respectively sealed away Nyx, a great threat arises. To combat this threat, you three have been picked to combat this adversary, along with a few other companions in said future. But to do so, like I said before, you, Makoto Yuki and Hamuko Arisato, will have to change your fates and prevent the fall from happening, or find another way to seal Nyx. As such, you have been given a second chance, along with a companion, to go back to the beginning of your journey with all your memorises to try and do so. And since you will be sent back in time, that would solve your previous quarry about Nyx, as at that point, the 12 shadows wouldn't have been assembled yet."
This answer, both answered many of his questions, along with raising more questions, like who were the people, or person, responsible for bringing the three of them here in the first place, because, for all he knew, Igor didn't have time warping powers, and he definitely didn't have any dimensional warping powers. Another big question he had in his head was who was this companion and adversary they had to meet in the future? But before he was able to take any of these questions with Igor, he was cut off by a glowing light that appeared in front of him, blinding him as the final things Igor said reached him,
"You shall be sent back to the beginning of your journey, April 7th, go forth and change the future, for time waits for no one." And with that, darkness consumed him.

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