Chapter 3: A late night's meeting

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Makoto's POV April 7/ Late Night/ Dorm Room
After their conversation with Mitsuru, Yukari volunteered to take all of them to their respective rooms.
"Hey, Yukari, could I ask you something?" Yu spoke up from behind the group. "Yeah, sure, what did you want to ask?" Yukari turned around to face the three of them, Makoto already knowing what the question was going to be.
"Who was that boy in the lobby?" Yukari's expression switched from curiosity to surprise to confusion as she stared at the silver haired teen. "What boy? What are you talking about? C'mon, it's not funny." After that, they continued their trek through the dorms, until they reached the end of the hallway. Makoto and Yu were assigned the two rooms opposite to each other, Makoto receiving his original room while Yu got the parallel one. Before they could go inside, Yukari spoke up, "Hey, did any of you guys see anything strange while coming here from the station?"
Hamuko and Makoto looked up at Yukari, "No nothing. Why do you ask?" Yukari began to answer that question before  She stopped herself, rethinking her reply, eventually settling on, "You know what, forget I ever asked you anything, okay?" Makoto nodded as he saw the exasperated face of Yu turn to look at him.
After that exchange, Makoto entered his room and plopped face-first into his bed, as Yukari escorted Hamuko to her room. He pulled the sheets over himself and looked at the ceiling, replaying all the things that had happened in the past couple of hours. He continued to stare up, until finally, he drifted off to sleep.
He didn't get to enjoy that sleep for to long though as he was woken up late in the night by the sound of knocking on the door. "Makoto. Are you awake? It's Hamuko." He got up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and went to the door to open it. On the other-side were Hamuko and Yu. They came inside and sat down on the bed.
"Why are you guys here? It's so late." Makoto said, pointing at the clock above his bed. "We came here to discuss what we know so far about our 'mission'" Hamuko frowned at that last word. "So I thought it would be best to do it when everyone was asleep."
"Um... could you guys please explain to me what happened in the past two hours? I'm really confused," Makoto and Hamuko both turned to look at Yu.
After each of them told Yu about their their encounters with the manifestation of death, the Dark Hour, the twelve shadows, the whole fiasco with Nyx and how both of the people they had just met used to be their friends, they glanced at each other before Makoto asked Yu, "So what happened to you? Since we told you about about our stories, you should tell us about yours." Yu let out a sigh before answering , "Sure."
Yu told both of them about all his friends, the TV World, the Shadow-selves , the fog created by Izanami, how they managed to finally put an end to Adachi's murder spree and about the ordeal he and all their friends had during P1 Climax. The other two persona users silently listened until Yu had finished, then, after a brief moment of silence, Makoto spoke up.
"So now that we've got our stories out of the way," He continued, "I think it's time for us to discuss what we were sent here to do." At this thought, Hamuko spoke up, "I don't really like the prospect of us having to prevent our deaths,  but, since we're here, our best bet is to stop SEES from killing all the twelve shadows. And, to do that..." Makoto could already guess where this conversation, though he knew that option would have quite a lot of challenges in store for them. "We have to reveal Ikutsuki's ulterior motives to the execution squad." Makoto saw Hamuko's expression darken as she heard him say those words, though, she replied anyway,
"Yeah, but it won't be easy getting them to believe it, they'll probably think that we're just a bunch of lunatics, I mean, who would believe a small group of high schoolers who were saying that they got magically transported through time by an old man with an obscenely long nose. We need actual evidence for this to work out." Hamuko furrowed her brow as she glanced down at the ground below. Makoto could see that she was deep in thought, probably trying to bypass that small obstacle they had brought up. That's when very tired sounding Yu spoke up, "Guys," Makoto and Hamuko quickly turned their gazes to him, "I think we have to cut this meeting short, it's already past 4 o'clock, we have to get up at eight to get ready for school." At that statement, Makoto's eyes widened. He glanced up at the clock, seeing that, indeed, it was already 4:06. Shit, they had really let go of time for that moment, didn't they. Maybe they should have taken Pharos' statement a little more literally. "Um, lets just agree to keep most of this a secret from the others, we'll discuss how to stop the Fall tomorrow." Makoto blurted out as the other high schoolers made their way out of his room, both of them saying, "agreed," as they left.
After that, Makoto got in to bed and drifted of to sleep, trying to get as much sleep as possible before their eventual dark hour excursions begin.
Hamuko's POV April 8/ Early Morning/ Dorm Lounge
Hamuko was woken up the next morning, barely getting enough sleep due to the previous night's meeting, to the sound of her alarm going of. She quickly got up and got changed, knowing what was in store for her today. She had barely finished brushing her hair when the sound of knocking echoed from her door. "Hey! It's Yukari. Are you awake yet?" Hamuko walked over to the door to reveal Yukari, who gave her a happy, "Good morning. Did you sleep okay?"
Hamuko was tempted to respond 'no' but stopped herself and instead replied, "Yep! I'm guessing you're here to take me to school, right Yukari-chan?" Yukari returned a cheerful smile before she said, "Yeah, but you should go downstairs and eat breakfast while I walk up the other two."
With that, Hamuko quickly gathered her necessary school supplies and made her way towards the stairs. In the lounge downstairs, a small feast had been laid for her, while Makoto's and Yu's was beginning to be brought to the table. Wow, this was not how I remembered it. She looked at the time on her phone, wondering if she would be able to even finish this in time before school starts, only to see, 7:27. What!? She did not remember waking up this early last time.

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