Chapter Five

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Siobhan finally made it back to my house. By then I had changed into my pajama pants and a tshirt. She changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed with me. We turned out the light and just laid there, silently.

"Siobhan?" I asked.


"Have you ever been kissed? Ya know, on the lips? By a boy?"

"Nope. You?"

"Nah. I like girls to kiss me," I said, giggling a little.

I heard her move before the light came back on in my room. "Sit up, Nialler." I sat up and faced her. She looked a little like she didn't know what to do next. "Umm, would you wanna be my first? I mean, my first kiss?" Her eyes looked into mine.

"Uh, sure, I guess," I said, completely unsure.

"I mean, you don't have to. Won't hurt my feelings. I just figured maybe we could try and see how it felt? Ya know, that way when we have our first kiss with someone we like, we'll have a general idea?"

"Uh, yeah, good idea," I responded, suddenly getting excited. I was about to have my first kiss.

She looked at me and then looked at my mouth. I did the same. We slowly leaned in. She placed her hands on my knees, as I brushed a strand of hair out of her face. Slowly, ever so fucking slowly, we inched our way closer to each other until our lips almost touched. We looked back at each other one last time before we closed our eyes and removed that final sliver of air that was left between us. It was the quickest kiss known to man. We immediately pulled away.

We sat there in silence, our backs against the wall. "I don't think we did it right," I said, getting brave.

"Ya think?" she asked, nervously.

"Yea, maybe we should try again?"


We got back into position, this time I pressed my hands to her cheeks as our lips met for the second time. This time, the kiss was a little longer, but no open mouths or anything. We just kind of pecked each other a few times and pulled apart again. Again, silence.

"Should we try again?" she asked.

"If ya want too."

So we tried again. She rested her hands on my bare shoulders while I again held her face in mine. This time around, we got into it. Between pecks, which felt nice but I realized I wanted more, I got braver and ran my tongue along her lips. She jumped back.

"Sorry," I stammered, embarrassed.

"No, don't be. Just didn't know we were going to try that," she said, nervously.

"We don't have to. I just kind of like the kiss and wanted to just try. Again, practice, with you?"

She nodded, "Okay, yea, we can practice. That way we're really good kissers by the time a real person comes along, right?"

I looked at her a moment, suddenly seeing her differently. "Uhh, yeah, duh."

So again I placed my hands on her cheeks and this time she did the same to me. At first, she didn't want to open her mouth but after a couple of tries, I flicked my tongue and our tongues met for the first time. I really got into it. It was the perfect first kiss, perfect first make out session. I pushed her down to where she was laying on the bed while I hovered over her a little. I moved one knee between her legs to get a better grip while she softly played with my hair. It all felt so good that I moaned a little into her mouth which made her giggle. That giggle turned me on. Shit. I pulled away from her and sat up with my bed covers pulled into my lap.

She sat up, "You okay, Niall?"

"Uh, yeah, just need to go pee. Be right back." I said as I ran out of the bedroom and into my bathroom. I don't know how long I was gone, long enough to beat one out while I silently cursed myself for being turned on by her. "Fuck," I whispered, hoping she didn't decide to come check on me. I cleaned myself up and went back into my room. She was laying there, under the covers with her eyes closed. I crawled back into bed and she opened them. "

"You okay?" she asked, softly.

"Yeah, great. Sorry about that."

"No problem. As long as you liked the kiss and didn't run off because I suck at it," she half smiled trying to make a joke.

"No, you don't suck at it at all. You're really good," I said as I turned the light off and laid down.

"You weren't so bad yourself, Mr. Horan."

"Ugh, don't call me that. That's what you call my dad."

She laughed, "Yea, that's kinda gross."

We were silent for a few minutes. "Siobhan?"


"Do you think we could try this again sometime? Ya know, for more practice?"

"Hmm, sure. We'll schedule future make out practice sessions."

I laughed a little, "Cool deal. Night."

"Night." She moved towards me and wrapped an arm and a leg around me. She had been doing that for years but tonight, it suddenly felt different. Everything was now different.

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