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Apple awoke to darkness. Stirring groggily, she sat up in a luxurious black bed and gave a mighty stretch and yawn. She quietly groaned in response to the headache caused by her hangover.

It was quiet in the Bully's chambers aside from his low snoring, moaning, and groaning. Moonlight was streaming through the semi-closed shades of the room's large windows.

Where am I? What happened last night? Did we have sex?, she asked herself.

She looked her around, her eyes slowing adjusting to the darkness.

Bully Koopa's room had a sleek, modern look to it and reminded Apple of a penthouse or a studio apartment. There was a large, black couch with a clear, glass small table in front of it. On the wall opposite of the bed, there was a large flat screen TV on a table with video games and consoles stashed underneath. On that same wall, there were two black identical doors with Bully's emblem on both sides of the TV and on one wall, there were bookcases filled with books with titles she could not make out in the darkness.

Apple was also a bit surprised that Bully kept his room so tidy.

She cautiously stumbled out of the bed and examined herself in a large, vertical mirror on the wall, the moonlight from the windows next to it illuminating her figure.

Her make-up and ginger hair was a hot mess. She had aggressive love bites on her neck and bust, but more importantly, she was only wearing her undergarments from the night before. This answered her question about the sex.

"Well, at least I wore my sexy panties..." She joked to myself in the mirror. Apple studied her reflection in the mirror, recognizing herself as a new non-virgin, woman. She didn't feel much of a difference....

I was quiet for a few more seconds, then she screamed at the fact that she wasn't a virgin anymore. Did we use protection? Do I have an STD now? Am I pregnant? I'm such a prat! The one time I have sex and I don't even remember what it was like! Was his penis large? Did he enjoy it? Did I enjoy it?Is he actually into me? Am I actually into him?! Does he think I'm sexy? When's the last I shaved my pub--

She looked to Bully who was still in bed, quietly mumbling in his sleep.

HIM. This was all HIS fault, she thought.

She quickly scampered over to his side of the bed and violently shook him awake.

"Hey Red, what's the deal?" He sat up, agitated at being awoken from his somewhat peaceful slumber.

"Wait, don't move! I don't want you to get out of that bed without any proper clothing on. I don't want to see all that." She replied.

"Oh really? The way you were all over me last night says otherwise~" He teased.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing! At least she knew he enjoyed it....

"You remember what happened last night?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorta. I'm pretty sure I'd remember the night I lost my virginity." He replied nonchalantly.

She quietly sighed in relief. If it was his first time, I'm pretty sure I didn't get an STD, she thought.

"So...can I go back to sleep now?" He asked.

Her relief quickly turned to anger.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!YOU kidnapped me and brought me here, YOU gave me those drinks, and YOU took advantage of me in my intoxicated state and RAPED me! So NO, YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO SLEEP!" She shouted back.

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