Chapter 2 - Virgil

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Lol, I almost forgot to publish this on time. Like, I'm so sleep-deprived rn, so the minute this is published I'm going to bed.

TW: one (1) swear

|Previous chapter:

"Good luck!" Caleb and Steph called as he walked away.

"Thanks!" he called over his shoulder. I'm going to need it.|

8:20 am, February 14, 3050
Virgil reached his destination after walking two blocks, stopping outside of a small house that had an even smaller yard. He walked up to the front door, knocking gently before letting himself in.

"Shae, is that you?" a voice called from a different room.

"Yeah, Talyn," Virgil called back, walking into the room, which he knew to be the kitchen.

Talyn was in there, washing dishes from their breakfast. Their shoulder-length multi-colored hair was multiple different shades of gray for Virgil. Talyn was wearing jeans and a dark tank top, and they had a flannel shirt tied around their waist.

When Virgil walked in, they glanced over their shoulder.

"Are you here because of the news?" Talyn asked, leaving the dishes in the sink as they grabbed a towel to dry their hands.

"How did you know?" Virgil asked teasingly as he leaned against a counter, not at all surprised that Talyn could tell.

"Please, the second Joan turned on the tv, we both knew you'd be coming over," Talyn said, walking over and slinging an arm around Virgil. "You're so predictable when it comes to these things, little bro."

"Did I hear my name?" another voice called from down the hall, followed shortly by another person walking into the room. "Oh, hey Virgil."

"Hey, Joan," Virgil said before turning to Talyn. "And just because you found your Soulmate first doesn't mean you can call me little!!! I'm two years older than you, bud!!!"

"I know, I just like teasing you," Talyn said, dropping their arm. "Now, what are you here for?"

"Val gave me the idea to gather a group and free the 10," Virgil explained while he tried to ignore the lovey-dovey faces Joan and Talyn were making at each other. "I'm thinkin' we'll need about 5 or 6 people total-"

"And you want me to come with," Talyn interrupted, a smile coming to their face as they looked away from Joan. "Of course I'll go with!!! If you hadn't come here, I probably would have stopped by your place."

"Oh my god, Talyn, you're the best!" Virgil exclaimed, almost bowling Talyn over in a hug.

"I know," Talyn said once they had gained their balance, making both Joan and Virgil laugh. "So I'm guessing we need to organize the group still."

"Yeah," Virgil responded, letting go of Talyn and shoving his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "I have a few people in mind, but I don't know if they have anything planned for today. 'Cause, like, I ran into Steph and Caleb on the way here, and they said that they would have come but they're doing cake testing with Marcus."

"Virgil," Talyn interrupted before he could continue speaking, placing their arms on his shoulders. "Leave that to Joan and me. We'll take care of that."

9:45 am, February 14, 3050
Virgil stood on the train platform, Talyn and Joan next to him while their group waited for the train to arrive. The station they were at was rundown, with quite a few windows broken and many planks in the floor rotted and broken. Although, compared to what Virgil had seen on tv, it was in decent condition compared to those in other cities.

A few other people were milling around the track, but none paid them any attention.

Glancing at the group, Virgil realized that they looked like a group of teenagers—minus Joan and Talyn—that was going to the capital for the day. In under 15 minutes, Talyn had been able to gather five others to go to D.C. and free the 10. This left them all plenty of time to travel to a different city to board a train, as their city—no, it's more of a safe haven, Virgil thought—was not part of the train system.


Virgil was jolted out of his thoughts and turned to his left, seeing Natalia, a friend of Talyn's that they had known for years, standing next to him. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, partially covering the My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge shirt she was wearing.

"Hey, Talia," Virgil said, gently bumping his shoulder against hers. "What's up?"

"Do you have any idea what we're gonna do when we reach D.C.?" she asked teasingly, lifting an eyebrow as she smirked lightly.

Before Virgil could answer, the train arrived, the wheels screeching against the metal track causing everyone to flinch or cover their ears. Once the train had stopped, the doors opened, a few people leaving the compartments before those on the platform got on.

Joan caught Virgil's attention as soon as they got on the train, motioning the group to the very last car. Virgil nodded, and the group settled there, talking animatedly to lower suspicion.

Right as the train was leaving, Virgil leaned across the aisle to where Natalia was sitting two rows back.

"To answer your question, Talia," Virgil said, catching the attention of the rest of the group. "I have no idea what the fuck we're doing when we get there, but we'll figure it out on the way there."

When the group heard this, they all laughed before throwing out ideas for what to do upon their arrival.


So... what do y'all think so far???

Also, over 100 reads??? Thank you so much, y'all!!!!!

Until next time,

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!


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