The Traitor

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Some SuFin in this chapter. Also I'll introduce Antonio soon I promise.


"I'm not sure I caught your names," admitted Arthur, as he navigated winding, narrow streets, the two boys following closely behind. "Lovi, is it?"

"Yeah, just Lovi. And this is Xavi."

He wasn't giving out full names just yet. He probably should've gone for a completely random nickname, had the stranger not already known his. Thanks, Xavier.

"And you're Kirkland, right?" asked Xavier, "that's what our friend called you."

Kirkland winced. "Indeed. I'm asking you not to spread that information around, though. Not even to your friends."

Xavier nodded, and glanced over at Lovino. Lovino had to wonder if the guy was having second thoughts. He definitely was.

They followed Kirkland through winding back streets, past carts and people running errands and intimidating police. Kirkland lead them to a small, grimy cafe in some corner of the city they'd never bothered exploring before.

"Sit down and I'll explain things further."

The boys exchanged another glance, then followed Kirkland inside.

"...So, at the end of the day, our aim is to overthrow the Emperor and establish a democracy," Kirkland told them.

Lovino and Xavier stood in front of him, leaning against boxes in the back room. It seemed like a strange place for headquarters, or was this where he and Xavier would get shot and their bodies used in the sandwiches this place sold? Seemed like a good business model: getting rid of potential troublemakers and saving money on meat.

The long and short of it was there'd been an attempt at revolution about ten years ago that had gone as well as Lovino's potential career from the sounds of it, but Kirkland was being vague on the details. Lovino was too afraid to ask further. Whatever happened, disaster never stopped stupid people from trying again, so they were going to have a go and maybe they might get closer to not failing.

"And what exactly is a democracy?" demanded Xavier.

Kirkland blinked, then sighed. "Of course. How silly of me. It means the power will be given back to the people. We get to decide what happens, and what leaders get into power by way of a vote."

Lovino raised an eyebrow. "So, no emperor?"

"No emperor. No inherited power. Our leaders would have to listen to us, or get voted out."

"Okay, sounds like a nice dream," Xavier looked between them, "but will it ever happen? In our lifetime? In reality?"

Arthur sighed again. "We cannot create a democracy on our own, or anytime soon, I will admit. We need people to fight with us, for their rights and freedom. This is where you come in. Are you willing to fight alongside us?"

Lovino glanced around the back room. There was just the three of them, but who knew who could be listening on the other side of the door. He groaned.

"What do you say, Xavi?"

Xavier nodded, lost in thought. "Okay. Might be fun."

Fun ? "Fine. I'm in too."

The back room lead to a cellar, which contained a hidden trap door. The tunnel underneath looked like one of many, possibly even a whole maze, mirroring the city above, but Kirkland was holding back the details. Lovino didn't blame him. There wouldn't be a lot of trust between him and them, just for a while.

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