The Flower Pot Man

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Sadik glanced around him, pulling his hood down further over his face, just in case his information was wrong. It was okay, though; the streets were completely empty. He knocked on the door he was slouched next to, wiping sweat off his face with his sleeve. Tino had provided him with an updated map of a route here, avoiding the CCTV, and he'd waited for nightfall, but it was still the most terrified he'd ever been.

It would be worth it, though.

It was a tense few moments before Isabel answered the door.

"Hello?" she asked nervously before spotting him. "Oh, Sadi-"

He put a hand over her mouth before pushing them both into the hall. He shushed her gently, giving her a soft expression to show he meant no harm, then shut the front door behind him. "Sorry about that, Issy. I can't be outside. And you probably can't be saying my name."

She nodded. "Wow, you're back! I heard you might be in the city, but assumed it was just a rumour."

"No, I'm here! A bit of desert can't get me," he laughed. "But wow! Look at you! You were so tiny last time I saw you!"

Isabel gave him a sad smile. "We'd lost all hope of seeing you again. Well, he had."

"Where is Adriaan?"

"In his shed. Wanna see him?"

He nodded. "Should've known he'd be hiding in there. Thanks, Issy."

She lead him down the hall and into the garden, a square of dusty metal Adriaan had decorated with sculptures of plants, strings of lights in jars, and paintings of birds on the fences. It was a few steps to cross, but Sadik took his time, admiring the handiwork.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the shed door.

"Go away, Isabel!"

"Haven't changed much, then," he replied, leaning against the shed, chuckling.

There was silence, before the door opened a crack and he was pulled in. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him, holding him tight.

"Sadik, you bastard! It's really you?"

"I missed you too," he mumbled into Adriaan's neck, clutching his shirt. He wanted the moment to freeze, for time to leave the two of them alone. Adriaan wasn't entirely in tune with his emotions, but there was no mistaking his joy as he clutched Sadik's face in his hands. Sadik wondered if he'd kiss him, but Adriaan wasn't so forward. It had been a long time since they'd done that. Just like it was a long time since the two boys hugged the same way, when the world was bearable and they had hope.

He wondered if Adriaan still loved him.

Sadik knew he still loved Adriaan.

People were quick to write him off as a dick, but Sadik knew better. Adriaan was brilliant. He just saved his brilliance for those he cared about, sometimes. Sadik became lost in the earthy smell of Adriaan's clothes. It was familiar. It was home.

"I should've known. Things were getting restless, talk of doing stupid stuff. Of course you'd be at the centre of it all. When'd you get back?"

"Few days ago. Sorry I didn't stop by sooner, been busy." He paced the shed, taking it all in. "No one's flattened this place, then?"

"I'm careful. I thought you knew I was smarter than that."

Adriaan's shed had no windows, lit only by a single bulb, and special, strong lights he used to work. Not a single beam of light ever escaped the shed, though, and Adriaan was careful when entering and leaving the place. The caution was for good reason: what Adriaan did in his shed was illegal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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