✦Happily Ever After!✦

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When Steven finally arrived to his destination, the first thing he saw was Y/N watering the flowers around the Dome.

"Hey Y/N!" An immediate feeling of joy showered him and he hopped over to her.

"Oh hey! Ya missed Connie" Y/N lamented for him with a smirk.
"Yep! Thats watcha get! What we're you doing anyway?" Y/N questioned as she out down the watering can.

"The Diamondsss, they wanna smother me in attention 24/7" he groaned as Y/N picked up her book.

"They love you!" She giggled, shooting a light punch to his arm.

"They want to spend time with you! Every moment they get! Heck they might even move here." Y/N proceeded to press a Diamond symbol at the right of what appeared to be a door and it opened, very modern door if I must say.

Steven would follow her shortly after shutting down some type of system, obviously in relation to Gems.

"If you think of them wanting to 'Spend time with me' "
"Means them trying to make me into a mini Pink Diamond, than i can Totally understand" He stretched his big arm over her back to her shoulder and stepped down the staircase with her.

"I thought Pink was already a Mini Pink?" She joked about his mother's height compared to the rest of the authority's. Steven laughed as they both finally arrived at his bedroom.

"So any plans today? I know you still haven't checked out Little Homeworld~" he sang as Y/N blushed lightly.

"True..." She smirked and turned to the porch.

"First imma head home, Daddy said my aunt is coming around. I need her to suffocate me in kisses first" Y/N placed the book, a comic book to be more precise, by his bedside table.

"Oh! Sure, I'll meet you over there or..?"
"Y-Yeah, see you there.."

He engulfed her into one big goodbye hug, Y/N clicked her tongue "Why do you always hug me? I'll be back in like a hald an hour or so." She questioned, yet still hugged him back. In reality she loved every second of it, just confused her sometimes.

Steven didn't reply and instead chuckled softly.
"I-I guess I just like hugs?" He pulled away and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well.." Y/N cut herself off. In a sudden movement she pressed her hand against his chest and kissed his cheek. "Bye!" She scurried down the stairs in a prang of lighting.

"B-Bye.." The awestruck boy waved at her, even if she didn't see. He then pressed the same hand to his cheek and a big, goofy smile followed this, of course he blushed a bright red. Could even feel his pumping heart as his other hand positioned over it.

Meanwhile Y/N couldn't believe she actually did that as she exited the household. "Hope he liked that!" She whispered confidently to herself.

The flustered boy opened the slide door completely relived, a gust of wind blew in to the room and the took a deep breath.

~"Here we are in the future!"~
~"Here we are in the future and it's bright!"~

~"Nothing to fear, no one to fight..."~
The waves of the beach crashed against the sand lightly

~"I can't. Believe, we've come so far"~
Steven grabbed a picture of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl from way back then and floated onto his bed

~"Happily ever after here we are!"~
He shot up from his bed

~"Once upon a time I thought I'd always be in my mother's shadow...
answering for her crimes I thought I'd, always be in an endless battle..."~

~"Til I began to hone..."~
~"Her power on my own"~

"That I could feel growing stronger every day! And now I save the world- not just that, the whole galaxy saved"~

~"We did it!!"~
He said as he jumped down the stairs

~"Here we are in the future!"

In that they surely were, things ah e changed now.. The Diamonds, Earth, The Crystal Gems! Their so much that has changed.,

"Hey Pearl, hey Dad!"
Steven greeted the two by the coast, they seemed to be doing something related to music based on the instrument in Pearl's hands.

"Hey Schtu-ball!"
Greg replied back as Steven leaned onto the chair he was sitting by.

"Steven! Im learning to play the bass" Pearl cockily remarked to him, presenting the instrument up in the air for him to see.

"I keep telling her its pronounced 'Base'" Greg whispered to his son, Steven giggled

"Excuse me, B-A-S-S; spells bass."
Pearl corrected him sassily.

"Your the boss!" Greg rose his palms up in defeat as Pearl hummed.

"Heck yes I am!"
She hopped onto the newly painted Van, bringing the cords along with;her to the top from the bass.

"Once upon a time, I only lived to be of Pink Diamonds service"
"Til' the day the 2 of us snuck down to be on this planets surface!"

"We became a Fantasy!"

"And I was sure she'd set me free!"

"But in the end I guess I
And after Love and Loss and all the tears that i cried i find that,"

~"Here we are in the future!"~
Steven and Pearl sang in unison as she landed back on the sand by him.

Suddenly, Lion awoke from his nap and nuzzled into Steven "Hey buddy." He laughed and let the feline. "I'm heading into town." Steven told them as he backed up from Lion, getting ready to take a dive into Lion's mane.

"See you at the concert tonight?" Greg reminded him through a question.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Steven assured with a snicker.

The boy then proceeded to leap into the animal's mane and inside was a whole new world.

The pocket dimension had changed, but, not so much. Most of Rose Quartz!s belonging were removed yet the picture and chest still remained.

The chest being... opened!?

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