Cuddles~naked~(day one)

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Nightmare got off work late at night,  he got in the shower to wash himself quickly. He sighed as he washed himself, he didn't even bother to put clothes on as he collapsed on his bed,  curling up in a ball under the blankets falling asleep rather quickly.

Error slithered into nightmares room quietly,  he looked up at nightmare. He huffed softly,  shaking his head. The snake slithered onto the bed,  coiling up next to nightmare, falling asleep.

The next morning,  nightmare was the first to wake up,  he yawned and stretched.  He looked over as he had felt warmth on his left side, he smiled and petted his companion gently as he picked up the scaley creature, spooning him. Error huffed softly,  feeling the arms around himself,  he opened his eyes and looked back at nightmare,  only to see the male with a huge grin on his face. "good morning my glitchy~"  error squirmed,  turning around, now facing the other.   He cuddled close to the naked skeleton,  nuzzling under his chin and purring from his warmth.(oh,  it's the end of fall in this story,  at the end it'll most likely will be winter) 
Nightmare smiled,  cuddling the lamia as he sighed happily.
"nightmare.  We gotta get up" "just a bit longer and we can get up" "fine... "
The glitch huffed,  allowing the dominant male to enjoy the cuddling.

(sorry for this being so short!  I haven't had much motivation,  but I have been drawing lately. So yeah)

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