ILY Jax not Daniel U know that right???

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Emma P.O.V

So as i was walking home with Jax we bumped into Daniel and he saw my cheek was fine.

Da-Hey Em I mean Emma.How's your cheek?

Em-It's fine but I know your dirty little secret you've kept from me.

Da-What are you talking about?

J-You know what were talking about..your'e a wizard!!!

Da-No I'm not!!

J-Fine to prove your not rhyme a sentence and move your hand and see what happens...

Da-Fine ugh...Jax is a being such a brat...put him in a cage with a flesh eating bat!!!

Em-Daniel nooo!!!

J-Ugh what a great spell*says sarcasticly*.
Nothing happened...?

J-Wow he's not a wizard...try thinking of cold things and places and hold your arms out.

Da-Um ok...Canada,Alaska,snow,rain,ice,freezers...

The all of a sudden it was snowing...

Em-OH MY GLITTER!!!Your'e a kanay...???I thought Diego was the last one.Jax call Lily and tell her and I'll tell Diego.

Da-No...don't I dont want them to know.

Then all of a sudden Daniel blew wind and it carried our phones off.I was so mad my data plan has just now beenn refilled >:(.

Da-I'm going to Diego.I'm gonna ask him for help.

Daniel P.O.V

I knocked on Diego's door and he opened it.

Di-Hey Daniel how's it goin?

Da-Not good.I need your help...I just figured out I'm a kanay

Di-What!!??Show me...NOW!!!

I made it rain outside.


Diego pulled me in.

Di-I will help you.First any questions?

Da-Yeah can kanays get or have any powers?

Di-We don't have anybut we can still other wizards or witches powers.

Da-How do you do that?

Diego P.O.V
Why does he want to know this?Oh well I'm here to help so I'll answer.

Di-First you find the personyur taking the powers from.Second you strike them with lightning.Third while in the middle of the strike reach over grap their hand amd say...There powers are mine forever...put them in me now or never!!!

Da-Then they're my powers...and I'm a kanay???

Di-Yup...why do you wanna know all this??

Da-I'll tell you later!!!

Then heran out the door

Daniel P.O.V
I'm totally gonna take Jax's powers!!!

I waspassong Em and Jax so I "coincedentally" passed them.I turned around and told Em to move over.She did.

J-Don't call her Em!!!

Da-What are you gonna do about it!!???


Jax lifted up his arm aboutto cast a spell but I froze him.Em got scared so she tried to run but I did the same thing.

I struck Jax with lightning grabbed his arm and said There powers are mine forever...put them in me now or never!!!Did it work???

Jax unfroze and fell to the ground.I unfroze Em and casted a spell on her.I want her to love me now or never...make Emma stay with me forever!!!

Emma P.O.V

Em-Danny I love you

J-What're dating me.

Em-No I'm dating Danny.

(Oh nooo what will Jax do?He can't u do the spell he doesn't have powers.)

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