Meeting You

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                           ~Y/N P.O.V~
You're at Disneyland by yourself waiting for your friend. "Y/N!" You turn around and see your bestfriend Jenn. "Why are you so late?"
"Did you see the traffic? It's awful!" Jenn says defending herself. "Yeah, let's go." I say.
"What ride do you want to try?"
"I don't know... I just want to play with bubbles."
"Just buy me one and I'll forgive you for coming late."
"Fine." Jenn rolls her eyes at me. Jenn walks to the souvenir shop. I see a familiar face at the checkout buying bubbles. Jenn nudges me
"Isn't that Dan?"
"I don't know..."
"Looks like it. I'll go talk to him."
"No! I-I mean, how sure are you that he's Dan?"
"Come on Y/N, I have this tingle."
"And how many times was that tingle wrong?"
"I'm sure this time it'll be right!"
"Yeah yeah, just get me bubbles."
Jenn rolls her eyes again.
"H-hey, Y/N, is that you?"
I turn around.
"Oh my god! Y/N!"
"I told you it was Dan!" Jenn yelled loudly.
"Shut up Jenn."
The 3 men with Dan looks confused.
"It's so nice to see you Dan!" I give him a big hug. It's been so long since I've seen him.
"You too Y/N"
"Let's go Dan." A guy with purple hair told him.
"Oh, yeah. See you soon!"
"Wait!" I called.
"Yeah?" Dan turned around.
"C-can I have your number?"
"Sure!" Then, we exchanged phone numbers.
I went back to Jenn.
"Told you."
"How was I supposed to know? He dyed his hair green!"
Jenn went to the checkout.
"You should have a sense like me."

                                ~Dan P.O.V~
It was so nice seeing Y/N. She's as beautiful as I remembered her. She still kept the short hair, and her eyes still had that sparkle. Her eye smile, her H/C hair, those beautiful E/C eyes...
"Who was that?" Hosuh asked.
"Just my friend. Y/N"
"She's cute. I like her." Jay said.
"WTF Jay? She's like a sister to me."
I see Y/N walk out of the souvenir store.
"H-hey, Y/N!"
She turns around. "Yeah?"
"Would you and Jenn like to join us?"
"Can I?" She asks with an innocent voice.
"I-I mean, if you like.. "
                              ~Y/N P.O.V~
"Should we Jenn?"
"I mean, I don't care."
"Sure!" I answer Daniel.
"I haven't really introduced you to my friends."
"Hi! I'm Stephen!" The purple hair guy just jumps out and introduces himself.
"Well, yeah... that's Stephen...This is Hosuh"
"And this is Jay."
"Nice to meet you guys!" I say with a warm smile.
                     ~Skipping to night time~
"Ugh, I have to go now." Jenn says
"Aww, bye Jenn!"
"Bye." Jenn says that and leaves.
I turn to Daniel. "I think I should go too. I'm gonna grab an uber."
"Y-you could ride with us...if you want..." Hosuh says.
"Yeah! Where is your house?" Dan asks.
"I don't live here... I actually live in Canada. I'm just here to see Jenn."
"Really?" Jay asks.
"Cool."Stephen says. "I live there too. All of us do."
"So all of you live in Canada? What are you doing here?"
"Well, we went to vidcon."
"Oh, so you guys are youtubers?"
"By the way, I really think we should go now. It's getting late."
"Sure." Jay walks us to the car.
"Shotgun!" Stephen yells.
"Ladies first," Jay glares at Stephen.
"I think Y/N could sit in the back with me..." Hosuh shyly says.
"Or I could catch up with Y/N and sit with her." Daniel drags me to his side.
"You know, if you're not comfortable with me around I could go and get an uber."
"No! It's fine. You could sit with me." Hosuh says. In the end I decided to sit with Hosuh because he looks the kindest.
"So Y/N, what's your favorite Disney movie?"
Stephen asked me.
"I really like Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast."
"Disney princesses..."
There's dead silence surrounding the car. You decided to break the silence.
"Hey, so when are you guys leaving for Canada?"
"Tomorrow morning?" Hosuh looks at Daniel.
"Yep. Tomorrow morning."
"Cool." I look out the window.
"Well Y/N, thanks for joining us." Jay turns and looks at me.
"Thanks for dropping me off!"
"No problem."
"Bye!" I wave goodbye.
This is my first fan fiction here!
I hope it wasn't confusing!
Thank you so much for reading!

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