
19 2 2

This was it. I was dead.

It was inevitable. There was no way I could live through that. I just got shot in the chest. How many people have you seen in the movies get shot in the chest an actually survive. And if they do live, how often do you actually see them leading normal lives.

Thats when I saw the light. It seemed like it had been forever. And it was this moment when I knew I wasn't dead. There were bright lights shining in my eyes. I squinted and attempted to move my head but I couldn't. I was attatched to far to many wires to count. I started taking in my surroundings. Wherever we were, we were bumping around like crazy. I limply lifted my arm and noticed an IV sticking into it. I had also been hooked up to a breathing system I guess because I had the plastic tubes wrapping around my face into my noise. It was helping me breath no doubt, but I thought I could do without it. So I sat up. I felt a great deal of pain, but shrugged it off. I needed answers. I swung my cold feet out over the wobbly hospital bed and unsteadily set my feet on the ground. I looked down at my arm and knew what I had to do. There was no way I was getting anywhere with this attatched to me. So I pulled it out. I'm a real idiot sometimes. I did the same with my breathing tube, and although I was alright, I was breathing a lot better with it than without it.

I stood up, and I was very unsteady, just now realizing the amount of bandages wrapping around my whole upper body was just in one huge sling. Figuring they were keeping me in one piece I just left them. I rolled my head around a couple times, and cracked my back, and started walking. I walked to the entrance of the room, where there was a wooden sliding door that slid slightly open and closed every now and then due to the rumbling of whatever I was on. Once I made my way there, I slid my fingers around the door and pulled it open. I knew it wouldn't have been hard at all if I had my former strength but now, I wasn't exactly any weight lifter in my condition.

Wait. Where was Brooke? Where was Mia? Where were the guys?! I finally came to the realization that I was alone. Wherever I was I was alone. I took a step outside the door and glanced to my left. I glanced to my righ- I fell to the ground, my cheek burning. I reached up and touched my cheek. I stood up and turned around and one of those things was there. It didn't even look human. Its forehead almost completely in line with its noise and its piercing yellow eyes that seemed to stare deep down into your soul. I must've been pretty angry, because like the total idiot I am, I swung back. I ended up punching it right in the face, which I'm assuming hurt me more than him. I took a couple steps back when I saw anger overcome him, and of course, I backed into a wall. I closed my eyes and turned my head and braced myself as he pulled back his huge fist of rage.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" yelled another one. "We need them all in good condition. Do you want Centron to kill you like he did with that old human and the one in the gymnasium?!" he said furiously, yet questioningly. He spoke much better english than any of the rest of them. " it awake?" my attacker had asked. The other one just completely ignores him. "Take her to the sub car," he demands. My attacker simply nods and escorts me roughly through a fastened, and tightly locked door. When it opens I see bright light. It looks like a surgery room used for testing rats or something. On the floor are about 75 kids that look to be my age, all crammed together sitting up against the walls. My escort pushes me into the train car a little rougher than needed, because I fell to my hands and knees and felt the stabbing pain again in my chest.

"Kathleen?" I hear a weak voice whisper. I glanced up in pain and looked around the room. "Kathleen is that you?" There it was again. I glanced to me left, and then my right. I saw Brooke leaning forward off the wall as if trying to get a better look at me. I nod, unable to speak. Staying where she is, her bottom lip starts to quiver, and her eyes gloss over with tears.

"I thought you were dead," she barely says through tears. "Well I guess I'm not," I say clearly not understanding the seriousness of the situation. She smiles a little at me and makes a small laugh as tears stream down her cheek. She crawls over to me and hugs me. Just this morning we were hugging in the hallway, now where were we. She pulled me to the wall where she had been sitting and squeezed in next to me.

I looked around the room, and Brooke was the only familiar face that struck me. Wait. Mia, and the guys were in that room with us when I got shot. What if he shot them too? What if they're dead because of my stupid actions? "Where is everyone else?" I asked. I thought my voice was steady but it musn't have been, because Brooke instantly replied "I dont think they're dead. I mean I was with them right up to the point where the forced us on here and we were put in different train cars. There are about 20 of these exact same cars with almost 100 kids in each."

Well they weren't dead, probably. That was an upside. "Any idea where we are?" I had so many questions that I just couldnt keep bottled up inside of me.

"I'm not totally sure. They mentioned something about taking us down to "middle earth" but they didn't mention what they were going to do to us." She says calmly, but underneath her confident exterior I can tell she is just as confused as me.

"Brooke I'm scared." I say so quietly it was a miracle that she actually heard me. "Me too," she responds. And we sit there in silence, and wait.

Wait for something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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