Chapter 6: The Approval

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Alora's P.O.V

This boy will drive me crazy.
I don't know what to do with him. Standing under my room
all night, cooking me breakfast
if you can call burned toast and
scrambled eggs with egg shells. Calling me Sunflower all day.

How I hate that nick name.

He hasn't once call me by my name, roams around me all day,
bringing me sunflower every single day.

He keep talking and smiling. When I ask him about it he replied that he is talking and smiling my share too. I want to stay alone but it seems to be impossible now.

In this week I've got to know them
all. Autumn is really a sweet girl though a little too energetic and girly
but very nice. We had our girls night too.

Sam agree with every thing Autumn says. He is the mature one in the group. Derek is happy go lucky type person. Not at all like Nora told me though I feel like he is trying to impress me but for what I don't know. I like all of them except one.

All this week they all went to roam the village but Amen didn't. Nora tried to convince me to go with them but I didn't because I don't want them to find out the truth.

All this time we were home he made me crazy. Today is the day in the whole week that I got to be alone. Every one has gone shopping. I thought to the event take place in the morning.

"Please Lora come with us." Nora tried for the nth time to change my mind but I didn't budge.
"Nora please don't force me."
"But why?" Amen ask from behind. I look at him for a second then turn back .

"I don't like crowded places." I said blankly. Amen didn't say any thing. "Nora you guys go and don't worry about me okay?"
"Okay." Nora said defeated.

I feel very bad looking at her but I can't go and Nora knows it. One thing I love about her is that she never
force me to do any thing I don't want to. She tries to convince me but never forces me. With that Nora walk out.

"Come on guys. Let's go."
"But Nora what about Alora?"
"She don't want to go."
"But why? She hasn't gone
anywhere with us whole week. Is some thing wrong?" Autumn asked worried.

"No nothing wrong. She just don't like to go out." Though they look unconvinced but agreed.
"Come on Amen lets go." Autumn called him.

I look at him from the corner of my eyes and saw him thinking about some thing. When he didn't made
any move to go out Autumn came to stand beside him.

"Amen, Amen let's go."
"Autumn actually I..."
"Autumn clam down. Let him come up with some proper excuse.
Because of time shortage he isn't getting any good excuses." Derek said smirking. Amen scowl at him. I look at both of them with confusion.

"What excuse.... oh no you aren't getting out of this today. All week you give lame excuses not any more. Let's go." Autumn forcefully dragged
Amen out of the room while he protested and look at me.

I'm not understanding any thing.
Why is he behaving like this? Derek chuckle and shake his head and I think I heard him murmured whipped under his breath.

Weird people. I decided to ignore them.

When they left I returned to
my room. In the noon Eve called
me for lunch though I don't
want to eat. Eve request saying that she don't want to eat alone. After eating we wash the dishes.

When I start to ascent the stairs to go to my room some one called me from behind. I turn to see Derek.

What is he doing here?
I thought he went with them.

"Alora can I talk to you for a moment?" I nod my head.
We sit in the living room. He take a small box out of his pocket.
I look at him to see him gesturing
me to take the box.

I take it and open to see a beautiful diamond ring.
"It's very beautiful Derek." I said looking at him in question.
"You were right. If I don't try I'll never know what she truly feels. So I've decided to be brave and propose tonight."

I look at him in surprise. I'm really happy. He is doing what's right for both of them.
"I'm really happy Derek." I said to him.

"Alora, you are the most important person in Nora's life. So I want to ask you before I ask her. Will you
approve me for her. I promise to make her happy and to stand beside her always." Derek said with passion.

I can see how much he want my approval and I feel a warm
feeling in me.
"I know you will and as for approval you don't need any. If I didn't
believe in you I wouldn't have encouraged you and don't be nervous. She will definitely say yes."

"You think?"
"I'm sure." I replied with a soft
smile and he grin at me. After
talking a little more he stood up to leave.

Apparently he made a
excuse to come home to talk to me. I really hope Nora say yes. She will be very happy with him. He loves her very much. I can tell that.

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