Author's Note + IMPORTANT Info Page

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to my book dedicated to Horror Movie Slashers

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to my book dedicated to Horror Movie Slashers. If you clicked on this then you more than likely share a common interest with me because I LOVE horror movies and I never fail to fall for the bad guys. What is up with us always falling for the antagonist? I have no idea.

It is ESSENTIAL that you READ THIS CHAPTER before continuing. And also keep in mind, I update this chapter periodically in case I need to change something.

 And also keep in mind, I update this chapter periodically in case I need to change something

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Disclaimer: The chapters in this book are not in the order in which I wrote them. Some of the oneshots were literally written in middle school.

Yay, rules:

1. Don't demand anything. Requesting is absolutely fine but I won't deal with people demanding that I write something (yes, I've unfortunately had to deal with this).

2. Requests are [ 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 ].

If you'd like to request something COMMENT under a chapter that is an AUTHOR'S NOTE. Or send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE.

Let me know if you want a One-Shot, Headcanons, or both when requesting. If you don't specify, I'll default to writing a one-shot.

3. Speaking of characters, here's the list of characters I am writing for so far:

I'll also occasionally write for horror antiheroes or protagonists like The Losers Club or Ash Williams (as listed above) or Peter Graham

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I'll also occasionally write for horror antiheroes or protagonists like The Losers Club or Ash Williams (as listed above) or Peter Graham.

I also should mention I'll write for all versions of these characters (because we all know there are different versions). EXCEPT FOR REMAKE FREDDY. Nope. Not doing it. Don't ask. I only write for the original Freddy. Also, I'll add characters that are requested depending on who it is and whether or not I know enough about them to write about them.

4. Consider this your TW! This book is about horror movie characters so naturally there will be mentions of violence, gore, and blood throughout the book. If any other specific triggers come up I'll normally mention it at the start of the chapter. Also I recently began to write smut so if you're a minor, DO NOT INTERACT WITH 18+ CHAPTERS.

5. If you request something, I'll normally tag you in the chapter. I've also started to screenshot the requests and put them in the chapter. If you don't want me to mention you, let me know. I totally understand if you want to be anonymous.

Also, some of my old reader inserts lean towards feminine people. However, recently I've been trying to make them more gender neutral. It's something I do out of habit but if you want/prefer something different, let me know. Whether it be your identity or a certain trait, I'd be happy to include it in there.

And that's it! Have fun and enjoy reading!

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And that's it! Have fun and enjoy reading!



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Horror Movie Slashers One-Shots and Headcanons (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now