Chapter 1

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"Mama you didn't make any breakfast?" Beyoncé mumbled coming in the kitchen still in her night clothes with her hair all wild.

"I'm about to start on it right now, pass the eggs and bacon from the refrigerator" Tina Said.

"Morning second family!" Victoria shouted walking in Beyoncé's house with Clarence behind her.

"Good morning Ma" Clarence said to Tina .

"Morning my other babies" Tina Said.

Beyoncé gave the eggs and bacon to her mom before sitting down at the table.

"Aye man go get dress" Clarence said taking Beyoncé hair out the messy bun.

"Later" she said.

"No go now please. I don't want you guys late on the first day" Tina Said.

Beyoncé groaned but got up anyways, Victoria and Clarence following behind her.

"I'm not gonna lie Bey but I gotta take a shit" Victoria said rubbing her stomach.

"Not in my bathroom, go to the guest bathroom" Beyoncé said grabbing her clothes to shower.

Victoria threw her book bag on Beyoncé's bed before going to the Bathroom.

"Damn I tired you out last night" Clarence said to Bey.

"Barely, make my bed for me please" she said she walking inside her bathroom to take a shower.

Clarence is actually Clare, she's a transgender. She started taking T-shots in the summer and she was changing slowly but surely.


"Don't be late for school, have a good day you guys" Tina Said to the kids before getting in her car to go to work.

"Your mom just winked at me" Victoria said.

"Shut up, she did not" Beyoncé said getting in the back seat of Clarence car.

They always car pool together, only person that didn't have a car was Victoria so Beyoncé and Clarence would take turns taking their car.

"Your mama wants me" Tori said laughing.

"My mom likes dick Tori "Beyoncé Said.

"You think your mom still getting her cheeks clapped?" Clarence asked.

"Oh I'm positive of that" bey said with a chuckle.

Getting to the school Clarence parked close to the front before they all got out. Only Beyoncé and Victoria had the same homeroom. So they parted ways with Clarence.

Walking in class Bey took the first seat in the front next to the wall while Victoria took the one behind her.

You walked in with your coffee mug in your hand. You didn't say nothing to your class, letting them talk and shit while you sat on your phone.

"Oh my fuck.... damn she fine" Beyoncé mumbled.

" I don't fuck with other studs but I'll ride the shit out of that pretty face"Victoria said.

"Welp, there goes my panties" Beyoncé said looking at her teacher.

You was letting your students do as they please. You observed everyone in the room seeing who their friends was because you're going to give them assigned seats.

"Are we going to do something?" Beyoncé asked.

"Naw y'all good" You said not even looking up.


"we didn't do shit, she let us talk and leave the class. I can tell she's going to be my favorite teacher" Victoria said.

"She's already my favorite teacher" Beyoncé said grinning as she ate her lunch.

"If y'all finna take about this lady all day I'm leaving" Clarence said.

"Sound like you mad jealous Glenda" Victoria said.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that shit" Clarence said.

" I'll stop with you fully transition because right now bitch you givin me glenda off the seed of chucky" Tori said making Beyoncé laugh out loud.



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