Chapter 4

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"Boy what the fuck is you doing!?" You shouted at Clarence.

"Is you fuckin blind!? You need glasses. Why the fuck would you throw it to James when Kevin was wide open! Let me know if you gonna be like this on game day so I can sit ya ass down" You said.

"My bad coach" Clarence said rubbing his shoulder.

"What's wrong with yo shoulder?" Amari asked.

"It's sore" Clarence said.

"Shid it should be sore how the way you've been throwing all damn practice" You said.

"Go see the girls" Amari said.

Clarence made his way off the field towards the gym. Walking in the trainers room he sat in one of the chairs against the way.

"Why you in here big dawg?" Victoria asked.

"Shoulder hurts like a bitch" he said moving it around.

"Well maybe if you stop beating ya clit so damn hard" Victoria said.

"See why yo solid pickle head ass always coming for me" Clarence said.

"Where's Bey?" He asked.

"Basketball player caught a Charlie horse during practice" she said.

Tori rolled over in the chair towards Clarence. Lifting his arm she rolled it around slowly, bending it back and forward.

"What happened to you?" Beyonce asked coming back in the room with a guy behind her.

"You can lay up on that table" bey told the guy.

"Beating his clit too hard" Victoria said.

"I'm bout to throw ya ass in the trash" he said.

"Just put that ointment on it and wrap an ice pack around his shoulder and he'll be fine" Bey said grabbing the saran wrap and a ice pack to wrap the basketball player leg.


"Man coach was hella snappy today" James Said.

"That need some dick"Eric laughed.

" Naw stupid she gay, she need some coochie" randy said.

"I can assure all y'all boys that I definitely get pussy on the regular so I don't need to crave it. Might be fuckin one of y'all mamas tonight"said you walking in the locker room.

"Coach you know you don't get no pussy" Charles Said.

" I ain't gotta lie about getting some play, I'm too grow for that" You chuckled.

"Y'all trippin on my dawg" Amari said chuckling.

"I fuck bitches but ain't got no kids so I'm good"You said.


"Mama. I'm home" Beyoncé yelled coming in the house with Victoria and Clarence behind her.

"Gosh I'm glad you're home, I'm hungry" Tina Said.

"So you waited for me to come home to make you food" Beyoncé said walking in the living room sitting on her mom's lap.

"Yes now get off me, you're not a little girl anymore" Tina said hitting the side of Beyoncé's thigh.

"Yeah go cook something, my stomach talkin to my back" Victoria said sitting in the big recliner chair.

"How you been Ma? How was yo day?" Clarence asked sitting next to Tina.

"I'm good actually. And my day was pretty ok, didn't have a lot of crazy patients today"

Beyoncé's mom was a doctor at a private practice and Tina was pretty damn good at her job.

"That's good" he said.

"Vicky you staying the night or are you going home?" Tina asked.

Beyoncé chuckled hearing the nickname her mom called Victoria. Tori hated that nickname because how girly it was but Tori didn't have the heart to tell Beyoncé's mom that.

"I'm crashing here tonight, we had stopped by my house to grab me some stuff" Tori said.

"Beyoncé I'm hungryyyyyy" Clarence said getting up walking to the kitchen.

"Well you come cook"bey mumbled.

"Aye tighten up" Clarence said wrapping his arms around Bey from behind.

"Move" Beyoncé said pushing him away with her butt.

Clarence leaned over kissing Bey neck before biting it.

"Don't do that" Beyoncé gasped.

"Ok I'm sorry, come here" Clarence said holding out his arms to Her.

"No" Bey said fake pouting.

Clarence pulled Bey into a hug, lifted her chin so she was looking at him he pressed his lips against hers. Beyoncé wrapped her arms around Clarence neck kissing him back.

"Can never leave you two alone" Victoria said scaring her friends.

"Fuck, I thought you were my mama"Bey said stepping away from Clarence.

"Yo Mama would've been on ya ass" Tori laughed.

Bey went back to cooking the food that she was trying not to burn.

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