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I love everything you do. when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do riding on my back with. fully undress no training wheels left you.
*why did I edit this whole chapter and it deleted itself*🥲 


"Shut the fuck up little bitch don't you talk to me" yelled Nicole in Khalil's face as we all laughed.

Khalil turned his head away from the road for just a moment locking eyes with Nicole as she shyed away smiling and looking towards her feet. 

As the song neared its ending she started back up hearing the next song beginning to fade in. 

She continued her mini concert singing loudly as we pulled up to the party. 

I sighed deeply, every ounce of my body didn't want to be here. 

I placed my bag on the ground grabbing my AirPods out of it, as everyone in the car started getting themselves together. 

I decided on just chilling in a corner the whole party until they were ready to leave. I mean in my defense even if i wanted to be a social butterfly I couldn't.

Not just because I wouldn't talk but because my brothers don't even play that type of shit.
'keep your circle small or end up like Dad'

My dad's so-called friends set him up. 

With that in mind, I never really rocked with the friendly thing.
I only trust family and sometimes you can't even trust them.

Khalil raised his voice to all of our attention 

"Keep close, don't take no drink unless it's from me or Trey, and read the room some shit happens get little ight?" he finished off pulling his shirt over his buttle proof vest as Trey just opted for strapping his over his white t-shirt. 

I nodded my head slightly sliding out of the car. 

We soon walked the way to the house party, I followed closely on their heels walking behind them on the slightly wet pavement. 

Already the lawn was trashed with red solo drinking cups, and men and women alike. 

As we entered the loud environment, the smell of alcohol and loud music with bass and weed flooded my senses. 

I walked away from the group and found a small clean corner and sat down.

I clicked my phone on and popped my AirPods in. 

Swiping through my music app I found my way to J.Coles and clicked 4 your eyez only.

Volume all the way up I could still hear the slight hum of the music, even more so I could feel the bass on the walls around me.

Trying my best, I zoned in on the music I had playing and focused on the book I was reading. 

After a few minutes, I felt a sick feeling arrive in my stomach. 

That feeling you get when someone is looking at you. 

Hoping I was just tripping because I really didn't want to be bothered, I looked up and interestingly enough locked eyes with a boy. 

He took the eye contact as an invitation and promptly started making his way over.

damn, it should've bought the beats instead.

"wassup" a clearly drunk boy said to me swaying from side to side presumably to the music that was playing. 

Without taking notice of him hoping he catches the hint I just nodded my head not looking at him.

"you anit gotta be rude damn" he said causing me to look at him and then back at my phone, praying he would just opt to leave me be. 

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