jack avery

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pairings: reader x jack

you and jack had been dating for quite some time now and you guys were finally ready to become public with your relationship. since you had a lot of subscribers on youtube, you decided to make a video addressing the fact that you aren't single anymore and haven't been for a while.

"hey guys! welcome back to my channel and today i have a very special guest: jack avery!" you told your viewers as jack popped into the frame.

"hello everyone!" he smiled into the camera. his smile gives you butterflies.

"so as you can tell by the title, i'm not single anymore. this dweeb stole my heart," you pointed a jack who pretended to be offended.

"i am not a dweeb," he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"anyways, we're going to tell the story of how-" you got cut off by jack leaving wet kisses all over your cheek. "will you stop? that's disgusting."

you pushed him off and wiped your cheek with your sweatshirt sleeve. wet kisses were definitely not your favorite.

"is that my sweatshirt?" he commented.

"yes, it is. can we get back to the video please?" you asked, wanting to get the video over with. you were already nervous about the reaction of fans.

"not before i tickle you first." he tickled your sides and neck causing you to scream in laughter.

"jack, jack, JACK! i swear to god i will straighten your hair while you sleep!" you remarked. he threw his hands up in defeat.

"i just love you," he put an innocent smile on his face.

"basically, it all started when i was with my friends at six- what the hell are you doing?" you asked jack who was playing with your hair.

"i want to braid it."

"you are annoying."

"i know," he smiled and kissed your lips when you turned to look at him.

"we were at six flags and i was taking pictures with you guys when jack ran into me-"

"correction: you ran into me," he stated.

"no, i don't think so," i told him.

"let me tell the rest," he said and hopped back to your side. "so of course, y/n was shocked by how hot and amazingly stunning i am and asked for my number."

"you asked for my number, dimwit!" you laughed.

"i do not recall," he laughed as well and then pressed his lips to yours.

"we are never going to get this video done, are we?" you asked through the kisses he placed on your lips.

"nope," he smiled and broke the kiss.

"remind me not to film with you again."

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