13. A Snake's Guardian

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I arrive on Cisthene Island just as the setting sun hovers above the western horizon. Immediately, my wary eyes are arrested by a reddish-orange sky overlaid with brooding grey clouds.

This ominous sight promptly reminds me of the crimson stratospheric dome from my recurring dream just before it purged monstrous obscenities into my worlds.

Even now, I cringe and shiver from the horrid memory.

Forcing the horrific images out of my mind, I briefly skim my surroundings.

Unfortunately, this very spot I arrived at is the sharpest in Cetus's memory. It was the only one which I felt remotely confident to use for teleportation from the short memory clip. Other sceneries beyond this spot were too blurry. Like they were in the process of deletion--if that even make sense. Therefore, I couldn't see clearly into the rest of the memory clip. That said, I'm still glad I was able to catch the sighting of this place from an endless sea of moving images in the short window of time I was given back then.

And believe me, I did also try to search for Cetus's memories containing three elderly women in them but found none. I think they had been wiped clean from Cetus's mind on purpose. For this exact reason, I felt lucky to have found what I had to get myself here. I felt that if I had waited a day longer to act, I would have had nothing to work with.

Nonetheless, I reflect with gratitude as I take stock of my harsh surroundings, it was luck that had led me this far, so I am forever grateful for it and Cetus--

I'm shocked. The overall landscapes of the island looks even more parched-up and barren despite being rooted in the middle of fertile ocean.

The ground is unapologetically coarse and notably uneven, with more basalt rocks than earth. Worse, its desiccated soil appears diseased from how black and cracked it is.

There's no tree nor grass. No bird nor insect. Nothing to indicate any forms or signs of life exist.

Regardless of which way I turn, only a sight-devoid-of-life greets my eyes. On the whole, everything on this island is deader in reality than in Cetus's visual memory that I had glimpsed.

To an extent, Underworld has nothing on this place.

Recognising this, I tighten my grip on the shard of mirror still clasped in my left hand. At the same time, I reassure myself that if danger comes knocking, I can still get myself out of here faster than a heartbeat.

Reassuring myself up to this juncture, I can't help but feel deeply depressed by the awful prospect of having to remain here for another breath.

Sadly, I also accepted that I cannot leave until I have what I came for from the Graeae. Though, before that, I have to locate their cave.

Referring to the private residence of the Keepers of Secrets...

Geographically, it was rumored to be sited inside a chasmic sinkhole at the center of the island.

From Cetus's foggy recollections of this place and if my terrains' navigation is any good, I am currently standing close to the heart of Cisthene Isle.

Which, according to Cetus's sharpest memory, the chasm is somewhere up ahead.

Sighing to the somewhat stagnant air, I hike up the hem of my chiton to start walking in my decided direction.

As I did, the thumping of my footfalls echo hollowly in my own ears thanks to the vacuumed atmosphere. Worse, the latter feels unexpectedly frigid despite the absence of breeze or wind blowing. It gives an impression of a winter's frost creeping up on the cold dense air.

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