Villain Singer AU (3)

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Phantom Villains are the group that recently formed but few weeks later, they've become one of the most dangerous group of all.

Bunny Killer is recently appeared out of nowhere and tortured victims before sliced their necks with something long and sharp.

"Is it really Midoriya?" Hizashi asked, doubt growing inside of him. "What if it is him?"

"Like Genocide-san said," reassured the 18+ heroine. "It's not him."

Genocide just smiles mysteriously, Pacifist shook his head, Phoenix hiding her sheepish look and Zero still asleep.

Rope Hanger is a villain that target victims and hanging them with strong pull causing a loud snap around their necks then instantly dead.

They winced and some looked like they're about to puke as Pacifist kindly enough to show them a double toilets.

It is reveal that Rope Hanger is looking for a pedophiles and corrupted workers with stack of files appeared right in front of police station.

They shocked at this.

Heroes are focusing on the villains so much that they've forgotten about the rest of them.

Polices have been arresting that kind of cases before and not once the heroes stepped forward to help. Toshinori winced and apologized to his friend which Naomasa waved it off.

"Why would the Rope Hanger target them?" Cementoss asked.

"He's the victim of being raped and blackmail since young," Pacifist explains. Their eyes widened and feeling sorry for the Rope Hanger, upset that they didn't do anything other than tracking villains.

Students also felt sorry for Rope Hanger since he was a victim once and swore they will never let that again in the future.

Silent Killer is one of the quietest villain that targetting everyone with no explanation.

By night, he killed people with multiple stabs on their bodies and missing organs such as the livers, hearts, lungs and brains.

"Ughh... I think I am gonna be sick!" Kaminari placed his hand over his mouth, quickly rushed to the toilet and closed the door behind him.

Few are following his lead, couldn't handle with their weak stomach.

Genocide seems to enjoying all of this and Phoenix whimpers, wiping her tissue on her mouth while Pacifist patted her back gently.

How did they knew all of this? Well, one of the barely alive victims told them as much as he could before die due to blood loss.

They've been searching and patrolling to find them but no avail.

Only to find more corpses before them. One of the police hacker claimed that someone is hacking into the computer and that is when the PH came through.

"Phantom Villains," they echoed in unison as they realize this.

Polices believed that PH are connecting with Rope Hanger, Bunny Killer and Silent Killer because of how quiet they are and didn't appeared at the outside world.

PH are the mysterious group with full of villains and perhaps a hacker.

Now they're worried for their friend/student. While it's true that group are full of quirkless people but Midoriya became part of it are disturbing them.

Unknown to them, PH are group of villains and hacker which is true but they should have dig deeper.

PH have villains who are quirkless, hackers, scientists, builders and have highly security surrounding the unknown building outside and underground.

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