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First off thank you for reading this fanfic!! Second all art in this book will be by me ( Ex. Cover : Pictures before chapter : Fanart : ) Third this will be my first time writing a fanfic but I have started some like little stories before so I have practiced. 


Trigger warnings :

There will be angst


Surprisingly detailed gore

Some smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (probably not untill we get further into the book )

I might do some fanart for this book so if I do expect it to be at the end of that chapter

Suicide attempts

Child abuse



Possible Rape (I won't go into detail)

Sexual abuse

Offensive slurs

Gayness ( if you don't like gayness you shouldn't be reading this anyway🤷)

Self harm


If these cause triggers I recommend you don't read this fanfic


Every chapter will have a single persons point of view except a couple who will change perspectives



Voices (inside head)

Normal text



Has sexual moments…….

You have been warned


Ok I think that's all……..

Anyway please enjoy 


   Buckle your seat belts ...

   Strap your self in….

   And come along for the ride….


~ A_Random_Person

Broken Without You~//A Natsuri Fanfic 💞//Where stories live. Discover now