Oh, hi Jorge.

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"Mom! I'm home from school." I said running to her room. As I was about to open her door. I heard weird noises. I thought she was hurt, so I opened the door.....and she was-----------


"Jorge!" She said quickly covering her and the strange man with her in bed with the sheets.

"Mommy, who is that.."

"It's no one sweetie, now I'll be out in a little bit, go to your room and do you homework." She said as if nothing had just happened.

"You said that he wouldn't be home for hours!" I heard the man say to my mom. I heard the door open and I realized that it was my dad.

"Daddy!" I hugged him.

"Hey Jey, where's your mother?"

"In her room, with a strange man."

"What?!" He walked to her room and saw my mom and the man.


"STEVE! {Jey's dads' name} STOP IT! DON'T HURT HIM!" My mother screamed.

"REBECCA {Jey's moms' name} WE HAVE A SON TOGETHER AND YOU JUST UP AND CHEAT ON ME WITH YOUR YOGA DIRECTER?! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING WHORE! I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!" I heard my dad say before storming out of the room and slamming the door shut.

"Jorge, c'mon. Let's go, get your things." He said to me.


I soon got all of my belongings and went outside with my father. He quickly got me into the car and he started to drive off. After what seemed like forever we finally pulled into a drive-way. It was my Uncle Bob and Aunt Jennie's house. I was excited because I haven't seen them in forever. I wonder if my cousin, Syd, is there today!

"Jennie! Open the door!" He said on the phone call with her. Soon the door opened to a smiling Syd.

"COUSIN!!" He said hugging me. 

"Hey Syd!" I said hugging him tighter. 

"I missed you!" 

"I missed you too!" 

"Uncle Bob! Auntie Jennie!" 

"Hey Jorge, Steve." My Aunt Jennie said.


"What brings you here, Steve?" My uncle said.

"Rebecca cheated on me with her yoga directer, and poor Jorge caught them."

"Oh. My. God. Poor baby." My aunt said hugging me.

"C'mon in, guys." Bob said.

"Come to my room, Jorge!" Syd said.

"What's been going on with you? I haven't seen you in like years!" I said jokingly.

"Well, I'm living with auntie and uncle now because my mom would hit me a lot, she got arrested. I met a new friend! His name is Benji! I think he's cute."

"Ooo! You have a boooyyyfrrriiiiieeennnnd!" I teased.

"Shut up!" He said opening his room door and covering his face with a pillow.

"But it's true!"

"No it's not! I don't even think he likes me like that." He said sadly removing the pillow from his face.

"Yet." We both said in unison.

"I wish someone would like me." I said sitting down at the foot of the bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm sure someone will soon!" He said happily.

"I hope."

*Benji POV*

"Mommy! Daddy! When can we go visit Syd?!" I asked them running into their room.

"How about.. Hmmm let me think. How about...tomorrow?" My dad said.

"Yay!" I said hugging them both.

"Now, go to bed. It's getting late!" My mom said.

"Okay mommy." I gave them both kisses on their cheeks and quickly walked to my room. Once I reached my room I got the walkie-talkie that I used to talk to Syd.

"Syd, are you there? Over." I waited a couple of seconds before hearing a strange voice.

"Who is this? Over."

"Benji.. Over."

"Oh! Hi Benji! Syd has told me all about you! I'm Jorge. Over."

"Oh, hi Jorge. Where's Syd? Over."

"He's in the bathroom right now. I'll give him the talkie when he gets out. Over."

"Oh, okay then. Over." I said putting it under my pillow and staring up at the ceiling waiting for Syd to get the talkie.

"Benji! Benji! You there? Over." I finally heard Syd.

"Yes! Hi I'm here! Over." I said almost yelling. Almost.

"I heard you talked to Jorge. Over."

"Yeah. He seems like a cool dude. Over."

"He says you're cool too! Over!" Syd said happily.

"Tell him I said thanks! Over."

"He said you're welcome. Over."

"Syd! Guess what! Over."


"I'm comin--- Benji go to sleep! It's bed time!-- Okay mom! Sorry Syd. I gotta go, night."


*Jey POV*

"Night." Syd said before turning off his talkie and setting it on his desk.

"Oooo! You just talked to your boyyyyffrriiieeennnnd!!!" I teased him again.

"Shut up! He's not my boyfriend!"


"I haven't seen him in forever! I really want him to come over soon so you can meet him." Syd said excitedly.

"I really want to see both of you together."

"Stop it!" He said blushing.

"You're no fun!"


"Boys! Dinner!" I heard my aunt say from down the stairs.

"Coming!" Syd said practically running out of the room.


"This was good. Thanks for the food auntie." I said putting my dish in the sink and heading upstairs.

"No problem! Now I want you boys in bed by the time I get up there!"



Word count: 884

I accidentally published this without this bottom part. Woopsies.

I think I did a pretty decent job with this chapter.


Kk, bye Luvs!🥰🥰💞💞

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