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eddie kaspbrak was itching at the seams to escape this class room, the teacher's lecture turning into a cloud of dreams as he tuned out the woman's voice. eddie tended to this a lot; day dream. so unsatisfied with his reality he created one of his own where he was another eddie kaspbrak–someone different who didn't have to take so many pills just to please his mother's wishes and lessen her worries of him getting sick. eddie was someone he never could be in his day dreams.

"mr kaspbrak!" the voice of the teacher spoke, eyes glowing with displeasure as she watched the boy barely pay attention to today's lesson. "care to explain the answer to problem seven?" she bitterly bites, pushing up her glasses as she stares at eddie.

with flustered cheeks, and a nervous glance down to his paper he quickly shook his head, realizing he hadn't even started the worksheet. the teacher doesn't bother eddie after this but she does cast her judgmental eyes towards the boy, who was desperately trying to make himself as minuscule as humanly possible, his already petite body sinking into his chair. boy did eddie hate his fourth period chemistry class.

the loud sound of the bell for fifth period sounds, making eddie let out a breath, his shoulders less tense from trying to understand what the hell was going on. without even bothering to make sure none of his papers got ruined he quickly shoves the blank sheet of paper into his backpack making his way out of the door as fast as possible. god, eddie just wanted to go home. in his rushed attempt to pack up his bag he failed to notice the inhaler fall out of his bag.

"hey wait up!" a voice says pulling eddie back into the class room his eyes searching for the person who had called for his attention. when he spots richie tozier he can't help but let a groan fall from his lips as he slumps his shoulders making his way over towards the boy. richie tozier was what most would call the class clown, his mouth never seemed to stop running at the wrong moments. there was no ounce of seriousness in that boy's body– his favorite one liners always involving a 'your mom' joke.

"what the fuck do you want tozier?" eddie grumbles, tugging the backpack strap onto his shoulder.

richie holds his hand up to his heart, pouting at eddie. "i'm wounded." he gasp. richie tozier could be over dramatic sometimes. "you dropped this." richie says handing the inhaler to eddie, who snatches it out of his hand.

without saying a thank you, eddie makes his way down the hallway, shoving the inhaler into the pocket of his coat.

"what? no thank you? i saved your ass." richie scoffs arms crossed as he stares at the boy, who turned around in his tracks at the sound of richie's voice.

eddie feels the bubbles of annoyance tip over as he stares at a smirking richie tozier, who pushes up the coke-bottle glasses falling off his face.

"fuck you tozier." eddie hisses, turning way from the boy and quickly making his way far away from the boy.

eddie could hear the chuckle tumble from richie's lips as he made his way down the hallway. "you wish i would fuck you, lover boy." the nickname drips from his tongue, the popsicle on a hot summer's day the resemblance of how smoothly the words tumbled from his lips.

lover boy. god richie could really get on eddie's nerves with his stupid petname.

"was trashmouth bothering you?" the angelic voice of beverly marsh spoke. beverly marsh was a girl with hair the color of fire, and a heart made of so much pure gold, eddie was convinced the girl was glowing. everyone loves beverly marsh(for the exception of greta bowie who's hate burned for the girl ever since the third grade)

eddie scoffs, following beverly into their next class. "tell your friend to leave me alone." he rolls his eyes taking his seat in the far back. beverly follows sitting her backpack down beside her.

"you know richie. that boy never listens to anyone." beverly frowns, patting eddie's shoulder as a way to comfort him. beverly was richie tozier's best friend, the girl was able to get that boy to do whatever she said, the one thing she failed at accomplishing was getting richie to leave poor eddie kaspbrak alone.

"he listens to you." eddie grumbles lowly, pulling out his notebook.

the sound of beverly's loud laugh made eddie snap his head towards the girl, squinting at her.

"richie does not listen to me."

eddie slams his pencil down on the desk, leaning back in his char. "at least tell him to stop calling me those stupid petnames." he cringes thinking about the array of petnames richie had racked up over the years. lover boy was at the top of the list, the name spoken so many times from richie's lips it made eddie's head ache with annoyance.

"i'll try. but can't say i'll succeed."


a/n: it gets better i promise, this is only the first chapter next chapter i'll delve deeper into the main characters mostly eddie for now and richie later.

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