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  waking up in the morning was at the top of the list things eddie hates doing. he especially hates waking up on tuesday mornings. something about tuesdays just makes his mood shift. maybe it has something to do with r- before he could even allow himself to ponder that thought his bedroom door swings open, sonia with tired eyes and her night wear still on looks at eddie.

"eddie-bear it's time for school." she sweetly says her voice dripping.

when she notices eddie stir under the covers he listens for the footsteps of hers fade into the hall before he can allow himself to get out of bed. when it's clear she had retreated back down stairs eddie lets out a sigh, throwing the sheets off his body.

the sound of morning birds wide awake made eddie audible groan. those stupid fucking birds. he grumbles to himself shimming into the brown khaki pants. i don't understand how stanley is obsessed with those things. he always remembers stanley's obsession with birds, he remembers going birdwatching with him when no one else could because as beverly said "birdwatching is so boring it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. no offense stan."

grabbing his backpack and the two fanny packs he needed for the day–eddie makes his way down stairs, zooming down the steps as fast as he could. he had to avoid his mother.

luckily for eddie the woman was passed out in her recliner, an unlit cigarette hanging from her parted lips that snores loudly erupted from occasionally.

because of his banishment from the kaspbrak household–bill always meets eddie at the intersection far away from his house and the sight of his mother. it has been like this for a few years now.

"hey." eddie mutters, pulling onto the strap of his backpack. he walks ahead of bill the boy following behind him.

bill frowns at the short response, but quickly understands when he remembers what day of the week it was. tuesday. he remembers that first tuesday after everything that happened between richie and eddie. he remembers seeing eddie cry for the first time. and boy did that break bill's heart. he also remembers the anger seething from him. bill never knows why tuesday's are the worst but he knows it has something to do with richie and why they stopped being friends.

"y-you wanna go t-to the m-movies after s-school?" bill questions, catching up to the boy. normally they would ride their bikes to school but considering bill was learning to drive they decided it was better to walk for now. eddie couldn't wait for bill to get his precious car. boy did he hate walking to school.

eddie simply shrugs, looking blankly at the sidewalk, his eyes downcast as he tries to avoid talking. bill understands the boy didn't want to talk but he still decides to at least try to get the boy to utter words to him.

"my mom hates me staying out late on school nights." he mumbles eyes still staring downward. he finds more interest in the fallen leaves cascading around him than the solemn looks eddie saw bill shooting his way. guilt seems to always overwhelm eddie when he makes bill upset along with him. he doesn't mean to do it but sometimes eddie struggles with verbalizing his feelings.

bill nods. "s-she always h-hates me." bill matter of factly says shooting eddie a look he obviously didn't see considering the boy still was refusing to look at him.

eddie doesn't speak a word after this, tightly gripping his fist into a ball to distract himself from the millions of thoughts and memories that creaked up his shoulders, sitting there and taunting him. he fucking despises tuesday's.

when they arrived to school eddie makes his way into the library, throwing his stuff down on a vacant table. bill doesn't bother following him remembering the last time he tried to console the boy he pissed eddie off and eddie refused to talk to him for two days. bill never wants to upset eddie like that ever again.

in the library at the sound of feet scrapping across the carpet and a loud thud from their things being thrown down ben hanscom looks up from his book, sitting his pen down. eddie kaspbrak. every tuesday morning the boy sat in here, head sunken low and eyes never looking anywhere but the blue carpet with ugly square.

bill hadn't been the only one noticing how gloomy tuesday's made eddie. everyone saw it. but no one cared enough to actually talk to the boy, who did his best to shut everyone out.

"hey," eddie's head peeks up, coming face to face with ben hanscom who's chubby cheeks flushed a rosy color when he notices the glare eddie was sending him. "you wanna sit with me?" he offers smiling weakly at the boy.

eddie feels his annoyance simmer down, looking up at ben. the pair– after richie and eddie stopped talking barely saw each other. they always spent time at ben's clubhouse but the memories he shared in that small with richie made it harder each time he came. eventually eddie did stop coming replacing those hours with bill and the aladdin theater.

but quickly eddie's mood shifts. "no, we're not friends." he spat crossing his arms over his chest. his words weren't meant to be malicious, but the way ben's smile flattered and his eyes shimmered almost like he was about to cry eddie felt guilt bubble in the pits of his stomach. but he doesn't apologize. i'm a coward.

"sorry." ben apologizes, head dipped low, shoulders hunched and his eyes never leaving the table in the far corner. "i'll just go." before eddie could say something ben was quick to retreat back to his table grabbing his stuff and walking quickly out of the library.

"and you call me an asshole." the sound of the one voice he didn't want to hear spoke. eddie doesn't bother turning around. nor does he bother giving the boy the time of day.

richie places himself in front of eddie, trying to act like almost if things never changed and they were actually friends.

richie frowns at the boy mockingly. "what lover boy no snarky comment?" he leans back into the chair, feet propped up onto the table, his arms held behind his head. god eddie wanted to push him right off that fucking chair.

eddie can't help but roll his eyes, "stop calling me that, dickhead!" he sneers jaw clenched tightly. he wants to yell at richie to leave him alone, but the glare from the librarian made him save that thought for later.

richie gleams at the boy, hand over his head as he lets out an over dramatic sigh. jeez did eddie hate this stupid boy.

"he speaks!" he claps, resting the legs of the chair on al fours.

the growing burning flames of annoyance flicker dangerously the longer eddie sat with richie. "don't fucking act like we're still friends. because we're not!" he whisper-yells a grimace upon his lips.

eddie could've sworn for a moment he saw a look of hurt flash behind richie's glasses. but he shakes that off. he's not hurt.

without saying a word richie stands, the chair knocking against a shelf of books. eddie doesn't bother watching richie leave, he doesn't even bother to notice the tear gliding down richie's cheek. eddie was pretty oblivious.

especially when it came to richie


a/n: the stan situation will be explained!! he still lives in derry but he's apart of the key plot between what happened with richie and eddie.

mike will make an appearance i swear he's homeschooled fyi.

also would you guys like if i did chapters in just eddie's pov and alternated between him and richie? or keep it how it is?

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