Chapter 7

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( WARNING!!! Lots of Dumbledore bashing! )





"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Hadrian's POV
When we arrived, I wasn't surprised when the house was huge. I mean come on, our parents are rich and our father is an immortal being! Like how can I be surprised anymore with what happened to us? Anyway, we walked up towards the house and barged in, well Lilith knocked before we barged in, we headed in, but before we could continue walking in further, their was demons and shadows surrounding us.

I grinned maliciously and I think I even saw some demons flinch? 'Oh come on your demons for Merlin's sake! You've seen worse!'

"Oh, finally I get some lunch handed to me on a silver platter!" A foolish arrogant demon just what I need! Well, I get to have some fun so I can't complain, but first...

"Lills, Yan, close your eyes and cover your ears for me would you?" I asked as innocently as possible so they wouldn't suspect anything. I need to keep their precious innocence protected after what Dumbledore did. ( They got their memories of their past life when the blocks got taken off. Hope this clears any confusion. ) They started protesting but I shut them up with a glare. I don't want them hurt...
Once they did as asked, I closed my eyes and I opened the gates for the beast to come and play.

"Now....WhO wantS To PLay?" I chuckled darkly before opened my eyes to reveal just who not to mess with. My eyes changed to the darkest of black, as I was getting ready to pounce, mom showed up and ordered them to go back to Hell. I pouted for not getting any fun before turning normal, uncovering my siblings ears, and saying that it's fine to open their eyes now. They started to open their eyes and saw mom instantly. A few tears ran down their cheeks before they tackled mom to the ground. I think she figured out who we were because tears ran down her face as she hugged them like they'd disappear. Dad walked in at that moment and looked shocked. (The broken speech is his demon part speaking, so no it's not the death language because anyone can understand it. It's just mostly to scare people into submission.)

Killian's POV
I was doing some damned paper work, I swear their just there to make me suffer, when I heard my wife, Freya, crying. I walked to the entrance and looked at the scene in front of me with shock. Freya kept saying 'I knew you'd come back' over and over while hugging two children. Another child was staring at them with a small smile before he noticed me and his face turned to a calculating face before running and hugging me. I was surprised anyone, a child at that, would even hug death. I heard him whisper something along the lines of 'hey dad' but that would be impossible, my children disappeared 19 years ago. ( Time in the house moves slower that outside of the palace. This is so death can do paperwork, spend time with family, and reap special souls so that way he doesn't miss anything important. He only reaps special souls because they are more interesting to him. The souls that aren't special to him, he has Reapers to collect for him. ) Unless.....


"Yes?" He looked so much older! I smiled a smile I haven't been able to for a long time. I hugged him back and we all joined for a group hug.

3 years later....
Hadrian's POV
I'm so glad I'm finally home. It's been 3 years since we've been reunited once again. My siblings and I have been training in all types of magic and combat skills to defeat Bumblewhore. ( I might hate Bumble bee a little too much..... nope that's a lie I can never hate dumbly enough. Killian can't kill him because he forced a Phoenix to give him their blood and he drank it! Still though, Hadrian protects his sibling's innocence with his life. He can't meet his mate, neither can Lilith or Diyan, because of Dumbohoe holding them hostage. I mean he's just pushing his luck! Wait.... he has none left! *meh evil laughter in the background be like, hue-hue-hue 😈* )

So as I was saying before Kita interrupted me (Rude!), me and my siblings have been getting stronger and our parents think we are finally ready to start our journey. As we were putting our glamours and cloaks of shadows on to cover our face, our mom came to hug us goodbye for like the twentieth time...I sighed she can be stubborn when she wants to be. ( Their glamours up top. I got the pictures from google and I edited it some, sorry it crappy I was in a rush. )

"Are you sure you guys want to do this? I can-" I cut her off by hugging her and saying I'll protect Lills and Yan. We said our goodbyes and started our journey.

~Time skip~
( I'm a lazy author so I'm going to cut through the journey to when they arrive to Bumblebee's Castle. Sorry, if you guys want I can make a whole two chapters of their journey through flashbacks. )

When we arrived at the gates to Dumbledore's territory (Gianulive Leonix), we signed our fake names into the village registration. ( Their fake names are as followed: Hadrian-Luke Nickinson; Lilith-Sarah Nickinson; Diyan-Jack Nickinson. ) We head to the Castle to meet Dumbledore. We manipulated ourselves on Dumbledore's good side so we can get close to him without him being suspicious. We left and payed for an empty cottage in the village, bought furniture, and stayed there for a couple hours to not be suspicious when we left early. We start researching on Malfoy Senior so we can get closer to Dumbledore, because apparently he is Dumbledore's right hand man.

1 1/2 weeks later....
( Yes another time skip, I'm lazy. Also I'm just going to say 'Malfoy' because 'Malfoy Senior' is too long. Draco is probably not going to make an appearance, I don't know for sure yet. )

We found out where Malfoy was located after some time, but it was worth it. I left my siblings at home to relax and protect them from any danger. 'Good thing we warded the cottage.' I thought with relief. I go inside Dumble's castle and I ask Dumbledore to see Malfoy because I 'heard' that Malfoy's 'amazing' dueling skills are second to his. ( Pfft, as if! ) He led me to where Malfoy was staying and left me there with two guards. 'I guess he doesn't trust me as much, that's explainable.' I sat down and started to discuss random things with him, mostly about his dueling skills and how hard he trained for his skills. I didn't want to be any less trustworthy so I kept up my innocent curiosity facade. When it was time to leave he whispered something that shocked me to my core. He whispered.......

"Tell death I'm waiting for him to collect me."

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