Mlp OC 🖤

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Name: princess harmony

Age: unknown

Species: alicorn butterfly pony

Family: adopted mother and father

Cutie mark: for most of the seasons she is a blank flank and is a member of the CMC but she gets her cutie mark one episode after them her cutie mark is a heart jewel with the elements colors and names from both dimensions on it

Special talent: wielder of all the elements including her own leadership and spirit of order and harmony

Magic color: rainbow like the elements

Enimes: anyone that goes against her friends this includes evil king sombra, evil tirek etc, her mirror dimension self, Discord (formerly)

Dating: discord

Backstory and other information:

Princess Harmony was born when Starswirl the bearded and his friends from both dimensions created the tree of harmony. When the tree was fully grown a giant magical flower opened up and there was a baby Pegasus filly inside.

She was given to the mayor of a small village of butterfly ponies and his wife who raised her as their own but she always felt alone and an outcast she didn't really have any friends.
When she was a child (CMC's age) evil came to her village and tried to take over she being only a child had not the power to banish the evil so she fled until she was older she met a young discord who was outcast for being an draconaques and they became friends however once she was old enough she went back to her village to stop the evil

She succeeded and for her great accomplishment was given the title of princess and a new horn. This event ment she rarely saw discord anymore which caused him to become hurt and turn his back on friendship vowing to destroy it and her when he learnt of his true chaotic powers he traveled to another dimension (Mirrorverse) and made corrupted elements the elements of Disharmony!

Soon there came a conflict in the two dimensions with some ponies choosing the princess harmony and the elements of harmony and some choosing discord and the elements of Disharmony. One half of Equestria was orderly the other half was the chaos capital of Equestria. This sparked a great pony war between the sides and the now enemy's fought for many days and nights.

This war nearly tore apart Equestria so to save everyoony and preserve the balance Celestia imprissoned both of them in stone in the royal garden and hide the elements of harmony the few ponies still alive and loyal to the elements of Disharmony hid them all over Equestria and they were lost.

There princess harmony and discord stayed for 1000 moons. When discord broke free and threatens the elements of harmony again she was then compelled to protect both them and their bearers. This started her friendship with the main six. She eventually realized she could travel to the mirror dimension and met the main six over there.

She is the exact opposite of discord while he is a spirt of pure chaos and disharmony she is a spirit of pure order and harmony. She has the reverse powers of discord but at half his strength and ability. She is a mix off the 12 elements of harmony magic (twilight) kindness (flutershy) laughter (pinkie pie) honesty (apple jack) loyalty (rainbow dash) generosity (rarity) fairness (mirror dimension film and flam) wisdom (mirror dimension derpy) humility (mirror dimension Trixie) love (mirror dimension queen crystalis) Selflessness(mirror dimension Sombra) and her own leadership. Her life force is connected to the tree of harmony if she dies so does the tree and visa versa, this is in contrast with discord whose life force is connected to the tree of disharmony in the mirror dimension.

However they eventually worked things out and fell in love. Despite the fact that they are opposites there relationship works some how even though he can't be orderly or he fades and she will fade if she is chaotic.

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