Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

As i was sitting in my car, I couldn't help but smile because of what Demi just did. She kissed me. wow. I just followed her and we turned and there was a beautiful skyline. It was breathtaking. I got out the car and walked to the patch of grass that was on this hill sort of surface. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Demi asked as she gently placed her hand on my upper back. I just nodded smiling due to the feeling of her thumb moving up and down my shirt slowly.

"You're more beautiful though, Lucy." she said as she walked to the boot of her car, getting a small blanket making her smile as did I.

"Do you wanna sit?" I said, I realized how dorky I was being. 

"No, I just brought this blanket to sit on the hard ground with you." she said smirking and cocking her eyebrow upwards. She's so sassy and so sexy. 

"Okay, okay" I said as we both took a seat on the blanket she laid down for us. After a few seconds of comfortable silence I turned so I was facing her,

"Demi?" I said trying to catch her attention because I could see that she was fiddling with her hands.

"Yeah?" she replied, causing her big brown eyes to meet mine,

"Uhm, why, why did you bring me here?" I said softly as I saw her eyes stare into mine and then for a brief second she looked at my lips, self concisely making me lick my lips, I saw her smirk just a little when I did that gesture.

"I think you're interesting, Lucy and to be honest, I feel something between us. something I've never felt with someone before. I know it might be too soon but I really hope we can become good friends, and maybe eventually something more if that's what it leads to." she said smiling once she was done and she got some drinks out of her little bag she has. It was nearly sunset time.

"I'd like that very much" I say blushing and i see her smiling back at me, making my heart race faster than it normally does.

"I like you very much" she said. I wanted to kiss her so badly but maybe not yet. I stared at her as she shifted closer to me, now we were sitting face to face, just looking at one another, 

"You're really beautiful." I decided to say so I could be  sure to see her expression to that and her reaction. i felt her warm gentle hand on my knee, making me look down. I sighed contently and placed my hand over hers and moved closer to her so we were looking at one another.

"I'm gonna kiss you now okay?" I said smiling. I saw her nod her head as she bit her lower lip ever so gently. I moved  even closer to her and just before our lips touched properly for the second time, her phone rang. Great.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Lucy" she said as she pulled back and checked her phone, I just gave her a small understanding smile. I mean she is Demi Lovato. 

"Hey Phil. Yes I am busy. Why? No, it can wait for tomorrow. Goodnight Phil. Okay ugh my god" she said talking to someone named Phil. She put her phone down and she faced me again,

"Sorry, where were we?" she said smiling and holding my knee again I smiled and looked at her lips and her gorgeous tan and her beautiful eyes. 

"I was about to kiss you" I said giggling and she moved her hand a little higher. I moved forward and kissed her perfect plump lips, making her smile into the kiss. After we kissed, I pulled away and leaned back on my hands,

"Who called? I mean was it important?" I said not wanting to invade her privacy,

"No its fine. It was my manager, Phil. He wanted some details about my schedule and I told him we can do it tomorrow." She said smiling and taking a sip from her glass.

"So, Lucy, tell me more about you." she asked, I took a breath in,

"I'm not sure what to say, how about you ask me things and I'll answer them?" I looked at the view, wondering if I want to get vulnerable in front of this girl. 

"Alright cutie, hmmm so do you have any siblings?" she asked as I kept staring at the scenery,

"No I'm the only child" I responded, "how about you?" I asked moving my hand closer to her side, well her butt.

"I have 2 sisters" she said and then carried on, as i felt her gaze fall to my hand, "uh, can I hold your hand?" she asked, I smiled and held my hand out, 

"Duh" i said without thinking about it, she scrunched her nose at the word and then giggled, slowly enwining our fingers. 

"Ya know, for some reason, when you say that word it is incredibly adorable" she said shaking her head as if she cant believe what she said. I blushed and looked at Demi, I leaned in a little and kissed her cheek as she began smiling and blushing lightly. 

"We should probably get going.." she said as if she immediately regretted what she said. I sighed but slowly nodded agreeing as it was getting pretty late.

"Uh yeah, I guess.." I said not really wanting to go, god, she's so beautiful I thought as she sat up and put her hand down towards me to take, I gladly accepted her gesture and as I stood up so we were now inches apart,

"Will I see you again?" I said rubbing the back of my neck, as I was looking into her beautiful eyes. 

She bit her lip in concentration, "of course you will." she said in a low voice causing me to shiver. 

"Good, but right now.." I said moving towards her and holding her waist and pushing her gently into her car. "I'm gonna kiss you goodnight." I didn't really give her a chance to reply so I just slowly leaned in, and quickly licked my lips. When our lips touched, I smiled into the kiss making my hand grip onto her tighter. When the kiss ended, way too soon in my opinion, she smiled tracing her finger over my bottom lip,

"I'll see you soon, drive home safely" Demi said as she kissed my cheek sweetly. She turned and went to her car, I just stared at her and got into my car. This was a perfect evening to say the least.  

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