Daniel | Drowning version 2

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ʀ ᴇ ǫ ᴇ s ᴛ ᴇ ᴅ  ʙ ʏ
  ↳ me

s ʜ ɪ ᴘ
   ↳ hint of dorbyn

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      ↳ kinda sad, beginning is the same as last chapter

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✂︎  —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —

The boys were all slouched over on the couch sitting in silence while they were all on their phones.

"Hey!" the tall brunet with ocean eyes said. "why dont we go to the beach? maybe go surfing?"

"Yeah that sounds fun, it is our day off" the curly hair boys joined.

"Okay it's settled BEACH DAY!" daniel said before getting up from the couch with the others following him.

The boys all got up and changed before heading to the beach.

"I'm going surfing anyone else?" daniel asked as he turned to face his bandmates.

"Nope i'm going to read my book i'm almost done" the oldest boy said as he pulled his book from his bag.

"Nah jack and i are gonna get buried by corbyn and see who can brake out first" the yougest said smiling.

"Okay suit yourself" daniel said before looking back out his window.

∘ ̇⋄⠠⠈∗⠂⋆ ✧⠠ ⋄ ̇ ᐧ ∘ ̽ ͙ ⋅

Corbyn stopped the car in a parking spot as all the boys rushed out of the car. jonah walked to find a good spot to sit while jack and zach ran onto the sand and began digging a hole for themselves while Corbyn found his way to them. leaving daniel to grab his board from the top of the car and changing into his wetsuit before making a dash to the water.


daniel hopped on his board and began paddeling him self further out to avoid the crash zone. once he made it there he began to feel a bit light headed but rufused to go back inshore so he ignored it while he sat there on his board waiting for waves.

∘ ̇⋄⠠⠈∗⠂⋆ ✧⠠ ⋄ ̇ ᐧ ∘ ̽ ͙ ⋅

its been a few hours and the boys are still doing what the were before but now corbyn, jack, and zach were building a sand sculpture of a shark.

daniel on the other hand had been getting extreamly tired and was now laying on his back on his board soaking in the sun.

"DANIEL?! DANIEL!?!" jonah called for the boy.

daniels head poped up and faced the older boy giving him a wave and the older boy went back to his book.

Daniel places his head down gently but even that was to hard and it sent a rush of pain cause it him to wince. He took in a shaky breath as he placed his hands on his stomach and closed his eyes.

Suddenly Daniel felt he was being pulled one direction. He quickly opened his eyes and for a spit second saw a huge wave towering him before it crashed on him binging him down.

𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐅𝐈𝐂 // 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐄Where stories live. Discover now