Daniel | deaf pt.2

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Daniels pov

I wake up to a dry feeling in my throat a small fit of coughs waking me up from my sleeping state.

I look over at jack seeing him still asleep peacefully. I let out a small hopefully quiet sigh knowing I should go get a glass of water to soothe my throat.

So looking at the clock seeing as it was 4:23 I, as quietly as possible, throw the sheets off my body and swing my feet over the edge. The cold wooden sends shivers up my legs.

I slowly get up and walk to the door quietly, turning the handle still checking to see if he woke from the noise.


So I groggily walk down the hall trying to be as quiet as I could knowing how light of a sleeper Jonah could be. 

I successfully made it to the stairs and slowly walked down now thinking it was a little safer to make a noise from the distance.

Walking over to the cabinets and pulling out a glass for some water.

When suddenly I felt a strange feeling in my gut, almost as I was being watched.

I stopped and looked around when I saw a tall man dressed all in black, the shadows almost completely covering him. But what stuck out was the silhouette of a pistol in his hand.

That's when I felt my heart beat out of my chest.

I saw him take a few steps to me, i slowly lowered the glass to the table and put my hands up.

I could see his mouth moving in the moonlight and and angry expressions as clear when he rose the gun to me.

Slowly I stutter.

"I-i c-can-can't h-hear y-you.." i pointes to my ears and shook my head.

His angry expression stayed and he stepped closer, pinning me in the kitchen.

He continued to talk to me his lips moving too fast for me to catch much I only got.

(Tell- safe- I'll- shoot)

There was a lump in my throat, I felt as if I couldn't breath.

"W-we d-don't h-have a s-safe" I spoke honestly not even sure if I answered properly.

Suddenly a flash went off, my ears rang, and my body felt like it was on fire. I saw corbyn run down the stairs looking between me and the guy before the guy ran off.

Corbyn ran to me and wrapped his hand on my back when my knees buckled below me. He slowly lowered me to the ground.

3rd pov

5 minutes before..

"Where's the safe" The intruder whispered sternly "don't make me shoot" He spoke again holding the gun up to the poor brunette boy.

The boy was shaking, his mind going blank.

The intruder was getting frustrated, there wasn't supposed to be anyone home and now he has to deal with it.

𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐅𝐈𝐂 // 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐄Where stories live. Discover now