Chapter 8: La Tuerie

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"Yeah, my dad said they gave him no warning, they just called when they were already in Beacon. They basically said that the Argents hold no real claim over the land, especially when the matriarch is a powerless child that runs with wolves. They're sanctioned by the council to 'clean up Beacon Hills', starting with our new monster." Allison sounded bitter. 

"Well, let's show them just how much power the Argent matriarch really holds. Inform the others about the hunters and that Erica, Boyd, and Isaac found someone who's a possible victim that managed to escape. Gotta go, the Sheriff is here." Derek hung up.

"Mr. Hale." The Sheriff said as if on cue.


"Why is it that whenever something happens in town, you always seem to be in the middle of it?"

Derek smirked slightly, "No idea, but in case you haven't noticed, this isn't a crime scene and I'm here because Isaac is under my care. I was called here as his guardian."

The Sheriff's eyes widened in surprise, though he tried to hide it, at that statement. Derek had made sure that his guardianship over his beta had stayed quiet between his lawyer and the caseworker.

"Even so, your bunch just can't seem to stray too far from any trouble going on in town, d'you?"

"Coincidences and bad luck can be funny things."

"I'm sure they can. We're going to need to talk to them, if you don't mind."

"Of course not."


The Sheriff had stepped to the side with Erica while Reid did the same with Isaac and Hotchner with Boyd. "Now, Erica, can you tell me what happened?"

She took a wavering breath and nodded, "Boyd and Isaac were bored just sitting around at the loft and they wanted to practice for lacrosse. I tagged along 'cause I can throw well enough for them to practice with, so Derek dropped us off at school. They were running some laps when I saw the guy running out of the woods. I freaked out but we were able to untie him and bring him here."

"You didn't see anyone else around?"

"No, but I was busy freaking out over all the blood."

"Right. Lastly, do you happen to know him?"

"No, I don't think", she thought about it for a second, his face was rather familiar now that she thought about it, but his scent, "he goes to our school, doesn't he? He's on the student council."

"He is, he was reported missing about two hours ago."


Reid took one look at the blond boy and his brain immediately raised flags for child abuse. Of course, he remembered the file from Mr. Lahey's murder, but that didn't mean that his current guardian wasn't also abusive, given that the boy seemed submissive, hunched in on himself, and averted his eyes plenty. Especially since his guardian was Hale.

"I'm Agent Reid with the FBI, I'm just going to ask you a few questions, then I'll be on my way." He waited for Isaac to nod before continuing, "Can you tell me where and what you were doing when you found Mr. Laurens?"

"We were on the lacrosse field at school. Derek dropped us off and we were practicing. Erica noticed him first when he came out of the woods. He was bloody and had rope on him. We called Derek then we brought him here."

"Okay, do you happen to know who he is?"

Isaac just shook his head in answer, though he had heard that Erica knew him. 

"Very well then," Reid handed him a card, "if you have anything else you can call me."


"I'm Agent Hotchner, would you be willing to answer a few questions about the situation?" Hotch asked the quiet teen, to which Boyd just nodded. "Where were you when you found the victim?"

"The lacrosse field at school."

"And why were you there?"


"How did you get there?"

"Derek dropped us off."

"What happened when you saw him?"

"Erica saw him first. He ran towards us before passing out. He was bleeding and had been tied up. We brought him here."

"Do you know him?"


Knowing that he would get nothing else from the teenager, Hotch left a card with him before turning his attention on the nurse that was approaching.


The first thing Melissa noticed when she got to the waiting area, was that John was accompanied by two men she didn't recognize. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the younger man was someone she hadn't seen in years. "Spencer!" She walked up to him and enveloped him in a hug.

"It's good to see you, Melissa." He was able to get out.

She pulled back to look at him well, "Wow kid, it's been ages. What are you doing here?"

He smiled at the woman, "I'm here with the FBI. I'm helping John out with a case."

She nodded, "Then I guess you guys are here about the kid, right?" At her words the other men came closer. 

"What can you tell us?" John asked.

Melissa spared a glance towards the Alpha, knowing he was listening, "He's unconscious, but he's stable. He has abrasions on his wrists and ankles from the rope, a concussion, several cuts on his torso, arms and legs, as well as a deep laceration on his back that had some kind of flower petals stuffed in it. I know you're gonna want to talk to him but you'll have to wait until he's coherent enough, which might take a couple days." 


Allison was already with Lydia in her house when she talked to Derek, so both girls went about calling the others. Allison called her boyfriend, then her dad while Lydia called Stiles and Jackson, who was with Danny. 

"We're still having a girls night today, body or no body." Lydia said once both of them hung up.

"There is no body, they found him alive. Besides, Erica was there when they found him, I'm sure she'll need some relaxation after that."

Lydia nodded, "Yes, I'm sure that interrogating Stiles and embarrassing him will be great fun for her." 

"And why would we do that?"

"You'll see." She smirked.

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