32 weeks
Daniel is sitting on a woven bench beside me. I hold the ballon and he pops it. The gold confetti flows onto the floor.Everybody looks at each other in confusion. Riley and Mackenzie push the box with the helium balloons toward us, stopping in front of us before walking into the crowd.
I cut the box open and two pink balloons go up and hit the ceiling. "Why are there 2 balloons?" Somebody asks.
We smile and look at each other before looking at Daniel's stomach. "He's having twins!!" Ashley screams.
We bust out laughing. Jack and Zach's foster daughter, Magnolia, asks "is it true?"
"Yes it is" Dani responds with teary eyes. Riley, Mackenzie, Jordan, Ashley, my mom, my dad, Jack, zach, Jonah, and Billie all stand around Dani and I.
The photographer, Zack Caspary, takes multiple pictures.