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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I ran into the forest trying to escape the pale beast that has appeared in the kingdom.

Don't stop, don't stop. Don't Stop!

They just appeared out of nowhere.

Oh, Gods, I hear more.

The Kingdom wasn't prepared for these... Things.

What do I do? Are they still following me?

Their magic is beyond our own, it's too powerful for even Godmother.

I can't stop running.

I tripped...

I fell down a hill and into a ditch in the forest outside of Auradon. There I lied on the ground in the dirt taking a breath and coping through the pain. My leg was cut and bleeding. I sat up to see how bad it was when a bright light shined upon me. I looked up in fear as an angel slowly descended. I was frozen with dread. The angel's marble-like skin, cold red eyes, and taunting heavenly light filled me with a sense of death.

This isn't right.

The angel drew its sword.


"Zeus, Posiden, even Hades, please protect me from this false idol." I prayed to the Heavens. Images of my mother appeared in my head. In my room, while the storm outside raged on, I remember my mother saying the gods will protect me If I call for their help. I believed in this false hope as it stopped just before me and raised its sword.

Guess its time mother. May the gods protect my soul.

The sword came down and I threw my hands in a thin attempt to block the hit. after a few moments of nothing I knew I was dead. I opened my eyes and saw the forest floor and black dress shoes facing away from me. I looked up and saw a man dressed in a black suit holding the sword of the angel. He looked down at me and smiled. He tightened his grip on the blade and it shattered. The angel staggered back in confirmed and held up its burning hand.

"Your light doesn't belong here, Forgiven." His hands were engulfed black fire that then lit up the rest angel. The angel was quickly destroyed and the man looked over to me and offered his hands to help me up.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I don't have much time my son. I'm Hades, God of the Underworld and your father. Take this, It will help you on this journey till you can handle your powers." He handed me a black sword the glittered purple in the sunlight. "Make it to the Isle of Lost and find Prince Ben."

"Wait, I'm so confused. What's happening?"

"My power is being overcome by the light and I am quickly fading, but the balance has been broken and light magic runs unchecked," His appearance was being to fade. "Go, the bridge to the isle is weakening as well. And remember; you'll find safety in the shadows."

"Wait!" I reached out but he became too faded.

"Goodbye my son, your mother and I love you," I fell to the earth in defeat.

So close.

I gripped the sword and used it to pull myself back up. Blood ran warm down my leg as I saw the Isles in the distance.

This walk is gonna suck...

Using the sword as a cane, I started to make my way down to the shore. The distant screams could be heard throughout the Land. My leg was growing numb from pain but the bleeding stopped. I took in a breathe and look at my watch.

9:43 PM.

"That's not right," The clouds shined with a gold light, "It's as bright as midday." The second hand on my watch continued to move so I knew it still worked. I gazed back up to the sky and realized what this golden light was. "This can't be good."

I made my way further to the beach and saw the Isle of Lost. The magic similar to Hades draped over it, burning a deep violet. I climbed down the steep hill to the rocky shoreline and lookout.

Shit, the bridge has faded.

I looked to my left and saw nothing, to my right caused me to freeze. A cupid like Forgiven was flying my way. His bow was drawn but not set. He hasn't noticed me yet. I looked behind me and saw a small cave. I slowly backed my way for it, slowly feeling the ground shift from sand to gravel to rocks. Just as my heel hit a large rock, it slid causing a loud sound and my leg to give out. Within a flash, the cupid was speeding toward me. Bow notched with an arrow and taking aim. I quickly got my footing and limped to the dark cave

Swish, That arrow barely missed my back.

Swish, My foot.

Swish. My head...

 He was on my tail and I heard his string get pulled back as I neared the opening. I made one large step to close the gap but again, lost my footing. I heard the arrow release as I tripped and fell into the cave with a loud crash before I blacked out.

That wasn't the entrance to the Isle Y/N, but good thinking my son.

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