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I felt a ringing in my head as I woke up from my fall. I sat up rubbing my head and felt the warm carpet between my fingers.
"That's not the cold stone of a cave floor," I realized taking a better look at my surroundings.  Everything was too dark to see besides a sliver of light the beaming across the floor. I inched my way forward and reached the source of light and felt the smooth wood of a door. I lent my ear and heard a man mumbling on the other side. I carefully stood up and felt the door until I felt the cool metal doorknob. I paused for a second and weighed my other options before pushing open the door.

I was greeted with elegant office space, dark wood furniture, a roaring fireplace with an orange fire that appears to fade to purple. Bookshelves lined all around the room reaching ceiling to floor. A carpet of the same material is centered with the room in front of a grand desk. Most importantly, a tall man paces between two couches in front of the desk. His attire resonates professionalism with what appears to be a silk black suit. He appeared to be lost in thought, mumbling to himself as he paced.

"Ummm... Hello?" I spoke up and caught his attention.

"Ahh Y/N," He looked up and smiled, "You finally woke up." He walked to his desk and poured a drink before handing it to me. I examined the drink as he continued to talk.

"Glad you can finally join us, I didn't intend for you to go to the underworld but this works..." he continued to go on as I finally take a sip of the drink.

"What the hell is this..." I said spitting out the burning liquid.

"Whiskey, what else would it be?"

"I'm barely 19,"

"Exactly, a man can't have a drink with his own son?"

"Son?" I questioned before everything started to come together. "H-Hades? God of the underworld?"

"The one and only,"

"And I'm in the underworld?"

"Well, you certainly not in Auradon anymore." He chuckled sipping his drink. "But you're here now and that's all the matters. We have had an issue plaguing the mortal world." He sat down on a couch. I sat on the couch opposite him, placing the drink on the short table in front of me.

"It's about the strange light right?" I questioned.

"Correct," he said taking a swig of his drink before placing it down. "To sum it all up magic can be broken down to the basic elements; earth, water, fire, air, light, and dark. They need to remain in balance to keep one from destroying the world. Naturally, the magic has the ability to keep balance on its own with rain, wind, sprites. However this imbalance isn't like anything I seen, the light magic is too potent to dispute but rather corrupts and creates more." he leans back and rubs his forehead. "If something isn't done, the world will be engrossed in light."

"So then what do we do?"

Hades looked at me and grinned.

"I like your moxie, that's my boy." He stood up and walked to the fireplace. "You are my son, born of hellfire, the essence of dark magic runs through you like blood." He snapped his fingers and like the click of a lighter, a purple flame burns above his thumb. "I'm not sure how to stop it but I'm dam sure you can defend against it. Take on the role of darkness in that world of light."

"But isn't dangerous to use black magic?"

"All magic is dangerous is its purest form, Even a light mage risks losing themselves to the magic they wield and becoming the very beings you saw"

"Wait, those things are people?" I shivered in horror.

"Not all of them, some are just the physical manifestation of Light but it is possible for a living thing like a person or an animal to be corrupted by light and become like that. But you are a child of the dark magic itself. You will be fairly immune to the corruption and While there is still a risk of being lost to dark magic because of your mortal blood, you are still able to control it better than any mortal and some celestials. You even performed a shadow step to get here."

Shade (Ben x Male!Reader) (Descendants)Where stories live. Discover now