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Mark also has the following extremely homebrewed trait/feat/flaw/whatever: 

Possessed: Mark is possessed by an insane spirit, who occasionally attempts to seize control. If any of the triggers occur, and the subsequent Will save fails, Mark turns into Ruin for (DC-save)d4 rounds. The change as free action; all within line of sight must make Sense Motive (DC 20) to know that the change has happened. Sense Motive DC decreases by 1 per round.

An evil spirit makes for a good scapegoat; Mark's alignment is never affected by the spells they cast or items they use.


Mark takes (HD) damage or more in one attack, spell, or ability: DC 20

Mark takes 50% hp or more in one round: DC 30

Mark is reduced to below 0 hp: DC 35Mark sees a helpless enemy: DC 15

Mark kills an enemy: DC 20

Mark kills a non-enemy: DC 30

Mark deals damage through a non-spell ranged attack: DC 20

Mark deals damage through a non-spell melee attack: DC 25

Mark sees an ally die: DC 35

Mark is subject to the following conditions: blinded (20), cowering(20), deafened (15), disabled (20), exhausted (15), fatigued (10), frightened (15), grappled (20), helpless (25), nauseated (15), panicked (25), pinned (25), shaken (15), sickened (20), staggered (15), stunned (20): DC increases by 5 every subsequent round

Mark takes a negative level: DC 30


Ruin's alignment is Chaotic Evil

Ruin is male

Ruin is a sorcerer of the same level (draconic bloodline, gains all bloodline powers for level)

Spells known include all level-appropriate spells of the Evocation and Necromancy schools, as well as all Conjuration spells of the Creation subschool; no others

Gains 8*HD temp hp, lasting as long as the possession

Ruin's Intelligence and Charisma are swapped from Mark

Ruin has the following feats: Maleficium as though it was his fourth Damnation feat, Apocalyptic Spell for no increase in spell level (instead of rounds/level, days/level+penalties decrease by 1 each day)

Ruin's Dexterity and Strength are swapped from Mark

All spells are cast with the Evil and Chaos descriptors

Ruin has proficiency with greatsword, loses proficiency with rapier

Everything else is the same

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