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Peter's Pov...

We walk the rest of the way silence until "Their such assholes sometimes." Rhodey said when he caught up.

I take Stephen from his hands and carry him. The others agree.

"But no one can be a bigger asshole than Howard. My offer still stands May will love for you to live with us." I said.

"No it's fine. I dont want to bother you and your aunt." Tony said.

"Will it help if I said she sorta is like my mother." I said.

Tony shakes his head no. "If you forgive me we will do nothing but tests for the week." I said.

"I forgive you." Tony immediately replied perking up.

We get there and we all gulp and hesitate to answer. We all enter though cause we cant leave Stephen like this.

We're immediately greeted by Marissa and J.A.R.V.I.S. "Hey kids you have a good day?" Marissa said.

"Welcome back sir and company." J.A.R.V.I.S said at the same time as Marissa.

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S, hey Marissa. We're doing fine." Tony said.

"What's up with the boy. I never seen him before?" Marissa asked.

"He's the new kid names Stepen. He fainted at first and then he woke up and surprised Rhodes causing Rhodey to drop Stephen causing Stephen to hit his head and go unconscious." I explain.

Marissa nodded and we make our way up to the penthouse. I prayed Howard wouldnt be there.

"Dude your muttering prayers out loud." Rhodey said.

"Sorry. I dont think I can handle Howard." I said blushing.

We get to the penthouse and there's Maria and...Howard. I try not to groan and jump through the window but it might be a lost battle.

"Where have you been?" Howard said. Tony flinched. I prepare to defend just in case. I can smell alchohol on him. He's drunk.

"Out with my friends dad." Tony stammered.

Howard growled and stepped forward and I push Stephen towards Rhodey and get in between Howard and Tony.

What am I doing? No idea. All I know is that Tony needs to live to be dating Stephen and if I die along the way it would be worth it. Wait why am I even thinking about death. This isn't a life or death situation. Is it?

Tony pulls on my sleeve and I glare at Howard. Hes this could get me no chance at a job or getting into any good college but it's not like he'll remember it.

I sigh in defeat and pull Tony away before things get worse. When we get to Tony's bedroom. I close the door and locked it.

"What are we going to do with Stephen?" Pepper asked.

"I dont know. J.A.R.V.I.S is he okay?" Tony asked.

"He just has a mild concussion." J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

We all sigh in relief. I stare at Tony till he asks what's up and I said, "Your staying the night at my place."

"What." Tony exclaims.

"I'm not letting you deal with Howard especially when he's drunk." I said.

"How do you know he's drunk?" Tony asked.

We all looked at him like 'Bitch are you serious'.

"I smelt it. Enhanced senses." I said shrugging.

Tony sighs and gets a bag and starts packing stuff he needs for one night. "Your such a mother hen Peter." Rhodey said.

I roll my eyes and said, "I could tell you were planning on doing the same thing."

"Are you physic as well?" Rhodey asked.

"Nope but I do have a sixth sense that warns me from danger that I actually said before." I said.

We hear a knock and then Howard's voice. We minus Tony raise one eyebrow and ignore it.

Tony goes to open the door but I web it shut. "No drunks allowed!" I yelled.

We hear Howard shouting and the group looks at me weird.

"What?" I asked.

"You never would've done that before. That spider bite changed you." Bruce said.

"And in a good way too. Now we can show Roger jerk face and his jerky crew who's boss." Rhodey said.

"Roger jerk face and his jerky crew?" Pepper asked.

"What I like it." Rhodey said.

"Yeah no. How about The Hypocrites?" Peter said.

We all laugh and then we hear, "Why are you guys laughing and where am I?"

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