Stupid S H I T

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Lots of my friends think i have it easy for grades since I'm soooooooo smart but I'm average and not that smart. always saying that they wish they could be me but my life isnt that great, i have to get to straight A's for all my 8 classes and the only class i can get a B in is Spanish. I have IB classes. which means its above grade level. and by the time you reach hichschool you're taking college classes which are very hard accoring to my older friends who are in high school. my friends  always say why are you stressing? Im stressing cuz i need to get a good grade on the fuckin project. once i put myself in my work lane i have to get it done and it have to really good if not then ill stress even more saying I'm never good enough but i try to avoid saying that. I'm trying to keep others positive but i can't keep myself positive sadly. I may seem super positive but really inside I'm sad. not a lot of people realize it. i came here often to rant out but not a lot of people read this is doesn't even matter. I make so many friends but i really feel alone and unloved but oh well. 

anyway see you next update


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