Bang bang

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Aaahhh! Josh what happend, something is in my room and it won't leave, josh hold on I'm coming Jill get the gun, what I'm not getting the gun just please go get the gun. Bang bang the door is
Locked dad help me! Josh shush it got really quiet josh are you ok? Josh open the door click click it's unlocked creeeek josh were are you this isn't funny come out from where you are hiding this is not a game. Where is he we checked every were he couldn't have left there aren't any windows and that's the only door in here let me see the gun here chick chick I need a new mag. Here click ok it's loaded who ever the hell you are give us back our son I have a gun woosh bang bang I just shot to woarne you come out or I will fire and not to scare you I will kill you woosh dad josh.

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