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"Throw the dude away, he's no use." Jungkook points to Taehyung. Hyejoo shoves him to the ground and points her gun to him, ready to pull the trigger.

"No don't kill him! Please!"

Hyunjin begs on her knees to Jungkook. He lifts his hand telling Hyejoo to pause. After seconds of thinking the boss finally speaks.

"Alright, in exchange you'll come here." Hyunjin turns her head to her dear brother before nodding and walking to Jungkook.

"Just kill me please! Leave my sister alone you psychopath!" Taehyung spits out. He takes in a few kicks on the stomache from Hyejoo. In the end, he's all tied up again to prevent from making a scene.

"His mouth too."

Chaewon helps wrapping a piece of rope across his mouth earning untranslated mumbles from Taehyung.

"Now we're talking about it. Oh yeah, I haven't greet my lovely sister. Hey Heejin, how's your day?"

"Oh I'm having a really really great day thanks to YOU!"

The four girls all guard Heejin from every angle with all four guns armed and ready to shoot.

"I'll ask nicely. Speak, the password."

Heejin only stays silent not moving an inch. Well, if he kills her, he ain't getting what he wants.

"How about the hard way?"

Jungkook kicks Hyunjin's leg making her kneel in front of him. He pulls her hair up and takes his gun out. She groans in pain as his grip tightens.

"You got two choices. She died or you speak. Simple."

At this point, Heejin's blood is boiling hot. Her eyes glaring at her one and only family, the one she resents the most.

Heejin pulls her gun out to Jungkook in a flash. Of course, the four guards are alarmed lifting their guns, targeting Heejin. A mix of fear and anger grows inside her.

Who will not be afraid when 4 guns will shoot bullets to you and your best friend already crying being threatened by your own brother who's a 'psycho'. Not noticing tears start flowing down her cheeks.

"You monster!"

"No, I'm your brother. Tick tock times ticking.




She shuts her eyelids close



Opening them, she gives a small smile to Hyunjin in front.



Hyunjin telling her to stop anything she's planning, but Heejin ignores them.



"Fly like a butterfly."

Password is spoken. Jungkook is satisfied.

The ground behind Heejin starts to shake. It opens showing an underground passage. Jungkook pushes Hyunjin aside and engage forward.

"Finally! Yes! Ye-"

Jungkook's words are cut by a bullet shot to his shoulder.

"You little shit!"

Heejin shoots another one right to his leg. The boy falls down on the ground. He lifts his hand and

snaps his finger.

*Bang Bang Bang Bang*


Her body leans and falls forward. Her blood paints the green grass red. Sooyoung, Jiwoo, Chaewon, and Hyejoo stares blankly at Heejin after pulling the triggers.

Just then, police sirens could be heard.


Cops are running to the scene with an ambulance. They handle Jungkook and the four girls. Another car shows up, inside are Haseul, Vivi, Yeojin, and the trio.

"Hyunjin! Are you okay?"

They rush to Hyunjin who's a crying mess. She's holding her best friend on her hands, all covered in blood.

"N-no, this a-ain't happening. H-Heejin you i-idiot." The seven of them surround the two girls. "What happened?!" Haseul questions.

"H-hyunjin, my r-recorder please."

Not a time wasted, Hyunjin's hand reach for her pocket for the recorder. This time she's the one recording for her.

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