Ye 200 Readings

23 2 2

Howdy Flowers
How are you?
I hope that you are well
I'm part of English
Ok nice
I'm happy
Chara is waifu
Asriel is husbando
Undertale is life
I have to start Underverse and Glitchale
I don't want to do my homework

Howdy FlowersHow are you?I hope that you are wellI'm part of EnglishOk niceI'm happyChara is waifuAsriel is husbandoUndertale is lifeI have to start Underverse and GlitchaleShit*dead*I don't want to do my homework

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Attack on Titan and Undertale
Ok stop speak English Sabrina
Ok rega dopo sta roba cringe vado a morire
:')boh vorrei fare un reveal face ma sono orribile boh

LA MIA BELLIZZHIMA LIFEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora