Help is round the corner

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Liam's P.O.V

Goldilocks should be here any minute now.. Oh shit what am I doing?! This was all Harry's idea. I'm such an idiot! I should've just gone shopping with Lou, or restaurant hopping with Niall, I even rather have gone to that poet slam with Zayn! I reached for my phone thinking, I'll just cancel when *Knock, Knock*. Two sturdy confident knocks. My knees shook as I walked to the door. It's Goldi..

Eternitys P.O.V

He opened the door very shakily. Hmmm. Beginners are usually like this. I'll calm his nerves right up(;

"Goldilocks at your service." I smirked at him tossing my long blond waves off my shoulder. He gulped loudly as he took it all in. "Well you gonna let me inside, handsome?" I cooed stroking his face provocatively. "Ab- Aboutt that.. I. I made a mistake calling you and your services here ma'am." Liam finally managed to stutter out. Oh no. Hell no. I thought rolling my eyes. I gotta make him want me because I NEED this money.

"Oh I'm sorry mister. I'll just be on my way then.." I pouted my lips out then proceeded to drop my pen right in front of him, he met the girls on that trip. He bit his lip so hard that it finally bust. Poor boy injured because of all my lust..

Liam's P.O.V

God damnit. She leaned down tossing her hair about and I couldn't help but notice her nicely shaped breasts.. I wonder what they felt like.. NO I WAS NOT THINKING THAT. She's just so damn hot. OhGodOhGodOhGod. "SHIT!" I yelled out loud no doubt sounding like a fool. I felt blood drip into my mouth. "Oh dear, you hurt yourself. Well I'll make it all better." she grinned at me inviting herself in and sitting me on the bed. She closed the door with her longggg leg. It seemed to go on forever.. Not that I was staring. "Oh Uhm. I'm quite all right." I assured her touching my own lip. "Oh hon you don't know what you're talking about. Let me help." Goldi grinned moving closer to me she leaned down so now 'they' were in my face. Quite soft against my cheeks actually.. Wait what? "Now this will only hurt for a second." She winked as she put her lip on my injured lip and began to suck. "Mmmmmm" I groaned. This cannot be happening. "MMMNOMNOOONO" I pushed her off of me as I finally came to my senses. "Goldi thank you for trying to help but I have a girlfriend and I just can't do this!" I shouted holding my head in my hands. Oh god. Why had I said that? I don't have a girl friend. Anymore.. Me and Dani broke up ages ago. My heart grew sore remembering and I began to whimper as I laid myself onto the bed covering my face with the pillow.

Eternity's P.O.V

The poor thing started to whimper shielding himself with the fluffy pillow. I couldn't do this to him. He obviously wanted to stay faithful to his girl friend. Who was I to stop him?

"Well Uhm I'll just be going now. You should schedule a date with this nice girl Liam." I said less sexily and more like I was his mother as I started to shut the door. His whimper turned into sobs as I began to leave. "Oh lord." I sighed holding my own head. "What did I do to you sweet heart?" I asked him walking back to the foot of his bed trying to not sound annoyed. "You didn't do anything Goldi," He replied, his voice sounding muffled underneath the pillow. I laughed at the sound of my own nickname or stage name I guess. "It's just my girl friend.. SHE BROKE UP WITH ME AND I.. I.. I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER GOLDI." Liam shouted sitting up tears streaming down his face. "Oh dear.. Liam hon. First thing. My name's Eternity, Kay babe? Now tell me why she broke up with you." I was sounding more and more like a mother every second. Ugh. "W-Well, Eternity, beautiful name by the way, Danielle my girl friend. She decided it was to much for her. You see I'm in the biggest boy band in the world so I'm kind of a big deal," This didn't phase me. I've slept with huge celebrities who may or may not have a love for adopting foreign children(; "So I always had girls after me. And then there were the interviews and the tours and the signings. We barely had time to ourselves." He finished sighing. I could see the heart break in his eyes and my own heart broke. He really loved her, well loves. "Liam I can tell you really love her. Well I'm here to let you know you still have a chance," his eyes lit up at that. "Just never give up babe. Also stop calling prostitutes over."

Liams face burned red "About that," Rolling my eyes at his embarrassment I ignored him and continued. "Liam, If you love something let it go. If it's meant to be it WILL come back." I finished patting his knee. I left leaving him with hope in his heart and a smile on his face. "Good luck." I whispered, then shut the door softly.

~Goldi is quite the therapist huh? What will happen next?! Is that the end of Goldi and Liam or will they meet again?~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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