How you met?

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Bumping into each other funny right. Btw this is what happened a few hours after he kicked Jill and Mr.Art out of his wearhouse.)

"Son of a bitch" you said to yourself hiding your face in your hands as angry tears fell down your face. It was half past 9 at night and you were trying to finish your essay on the human body. It was a 6 page essay on everything in the human body and their functions.

You were in your last year of college and then you'll have your doctorates degree. You sigh and get up to get another drink from the barista but when you get up and turn around you bump into someone. You freeze and gasp as you look up

"Oh I'm so sorry sir" you said look up at the older gentleman who had caught you before you could bounce back when you two bumped into each other. You look up and smile at the older man. "Let me buy you drink for my clumsiness. I've just been busy and spacing out" you explained

"What's a beautiful lady doing out so late? You should be at home. And from your skateboard your gonna be walking home." The man said

"Oh well. I was having a hard time concentrating on my essay at home and I thought a coffee from this cafe wasnt a bad idea. But I lost track of time while doing my essay." You say honestly and shyly laughing

"Well then don't worry about about buying me a drink. How about I buy you a drink alright" the gentleman said "I'm John by the way. John Kramer pleasure to meet you miss" John said sticking his hand out

"(F/n) (L/n), pleasure is all mine" you said smiling sweetly as the two of you walked to the cashier to order. Once y'all ordered and got your drinks you happily turned to him. "Won't you sit with me. Your company is very appreciated and I would like to talk more" You said sweetly as John smiled and nodded

"I suppose so. But what about others" John asked. "What would they think?" John asked curiously. He wasn't fazed by his own question. He was right though people were bound to ask. After all she is much younger than him.

"People will judge even if you were young. It doesn't matter to me. You're still human. Unless your not then I need to know what you are" you said giggling as John sat in the booth across from you who also sat down at the same time.

"How old are you. You seem pretty wise for someone your age." John said

"I'm 22" you explained. "How old are you. You don't seem that old" you said taking a sip of your drink.

"I'm 52" John said.

"Oh see you're not that old. Granted your more than half my age you seem like a will powered man and absolutely sweet" you said smiling. Your smile was more like a beam. It was so bright and sweet.

"So what is your essay for?" John asked as you showed him your laptop.

"Well I'm in nursing. My last year actually. I have to write a 6 page essay on everything in the human body. But as you can see I wrote 20" you said laughing. You were a hard worker. You went far beyond expectations. Your teachers adored you.

They saw you as a prodigy. And you were. You had many awards. Straight A's since kindergarten. Went to prestigious schools and even went to a boarding school in London for high school. Passed with flying colors. Anyone that knew you knew you were a person of knowledge. You loved your knowledge it was something not many had now a days.

"Wow, miss (y/n), you are very smart. Not even my ex wife knew half of this" John chuckled sadly as he read through the paper.

"Oh? She must be very pretty." You said so kindly it was like putting sugar on top of sugar.

"What makes you say that?" John said

"Everyone is pretty in there own way. What's on the inside is what differs. The personality of a person is what makes everyone different. Not the size, not the skin and not the looks, the personality" you say as John turns the laptop to face you.

"So to say if someone were to put someone through deadly traps that have ways of survival to make people appreciate life. Is that helping someone?" John asked.

"Well of course. When people see there life ending they'll do anything possible to stay alive. It's those who appreciate life that will pass. Why? Because they have the thought of survival in their head. When you have survival on the mind your willing to go through many lengths to do so. Like say if you put someone in a trap and put the key in the body. They'll shed blood and hurt themselves to survive. If they truly want to survive the pain would be numb and they'd have an easier time getting the key" You said as you as you started typing on your computer again.

"What would you do if you were caught in a deadly traps?" John asked

"Well, I'd survive cause I've been through enough in my life to know I want to survive and live a full life. I want to marry someone, have children, help others, and be someone others can depend on" you said. You were literally like sugar. Sweet. Pure sweetness.

"You seem to know what you want" John said raising a brow

"Oh yes I do. I have my life planned out. After I graduate I wanna be an at home nurse. I want to have the knowledge of a highly educated nurse so I know what I have to do if it comes down to it. Besides I read a lot so I know a lot about the human body." You said. But it wasn't to brag it was to prove a point.

"What do you know about colon cancer?" John asked

" Well what I know is that most colon cancer originates from noncancerous, or benign, tumors called adenomatous polyps that form on the inner walls of the large intestine. Cancerous cells may spread from malignant tumors to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems." You explain in a highly medical way. You were raised by doctors, lawyers, nurses, and cops l meaning you weren't new to the medical field and also meant you know a lot about the law.

"(Y/n), I have colon cancer how long do you think I have to live?" John asked

"Five years if it goes untreated" you explained as you stop typing to look up at John with a sad look. "You have colon cancer? I'm so sorry. Well if it helps I'll help you through it" you said happily and determined.

"How will you do that?" John asked chuckling

"I'll become your personal nurse of course. But I'll do it for free for you" you said "you don't deserve to suffer alone" you said. "My father passed away with colon cancer. He had it removed before it could spread but something went wrong and it came back immediately and quickly and it took his life." You explained sadly.

"You are so kind" John resting his cheek on his hand while his elbow rested in the table.

"Oh, well thank you" you beamed "so are you" you say giggling. Once you notice the time you gasp "oh my. I have to meet a nurse tomorrow and it's already 11:00 that's crazy" you said laughing as you stand up. You gasp and look up at John.

"Oh my your right" John said. He paused from standing up when you passed him a piece of paper that had your number on it.

"If you ever need someone to talk to or a nurses touch just hit me up" you said as you left. John stood up and pursued you

"Wait miss. Why don't I drive you home it's late and I dont like the idea of you walking home this late at night." John said.

"Oh I don't live far. I don't get in strangers cars but if you'd like you can walk me home" you said. He nodded and walked you home.

"I really hope to see you again." John said smiling

"I hope to see you again too. You are so nice. I appreciate you taking time out of your night to accompany me" you said kissing his cheek in a friendly way and going inside.

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