Meeting the family

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{sorry for not updating sooner,I was really busy and didn't have time or any idea's too write.Thanks to everyone who are still reading this.Please leave comments}

Ruby's POV:


I slowly opened my eyes and smiled,when I felt his arms still wrapped tightly around my body.I turned around to face him,he looked so beautiful,the little sliver of sunlight peering through the curtain,illuminating the side of his face.The fact that I'm in love with a person I barely know briefly crossed my mind again.

"Ruby,why are you staring at me?"Fernando asked with his eyes still closed making me blush.

"Because,there's nothing more beautiful in this room to stare at"I smirked making a huge smile appear on his face.

"You think I'm beautiful?"He replied with a little smug expression on his face,he was now looking down at me as he spoke.

"Yeah,what you gonna do about it?"I asked seductively

"Just this"he answered,rolling us over so that he was hovering above my body again.He kissed my neck yet again,making me giggle like a little girl.I then pulled him down and kissed him gently on the lips.He then rolled over on his back next to me and I laid my head on his chest.

" you maybe like to come with me to meet my family?they are probably wondering what happened to me and I don't want to be away from you for one single second"he asked shyly.

"Of course,I'll go with you,I don't want to be apart from you either"I replied,making him look at me as I softly gave him a peck on the lips.After I got dressed,he went to go take a shower,even though he would still be wearing the now slightly dirty clothes I met him in two days ago.


We were now walking on a dirt road,hand in hand,going to his home.We made small talk and every now and then we would glance into each others eyes,making both of us smile or giggle softly...

Finally,we arrived at the foot of some hill,there was a big old house and a lot of fields.It looked beautiful.It was now just past 6pm and the sun was starting to set.

"You ready?"Fernando asked when we reached the front door.

"Yeah"I replied nervously as he opened the door,letting me enter first.

"Mom,I'm home!" he called out whilst hanging up our coats

My head instantly turned,when I heard someone coming down the staircase.

"Fernando,where were-,and who is this?"She asked smiling at me warmly

"Mom,this is Ruby,a friend I met two days ago"he answered looking at his shoes to hide the fact that he was blushing a little.

"Hello Ruby,nice to meet you"she greeted me pulling me into a welcoming hug making me relax a little as I returned the embrace.

"Like wise"I replied smiling politely.

"You two must be hungry,let's go eat,I've just finished making dinner"she said after a few moments and we both followed her towards the dining room,there I met his two younger sisters,they were adorable.Me and Fernando sat next to each other on the left side of the table,his sisters on the right side and his mother at the end on the table,nearest to him.

After she dished up for everyone and she said grace,we all started eating and might I add,she was a fantastic cook.When we were done,I followed Mrs. Cienfuegos  back into the kitchen,I offered to help her clean up,I figured it was the least I could do considering,she cooked and I showed up unannounced.

"Thanks for the food,it was delicious"I stated,once I started washing the dishes.

"No problem,thanks for helping me clean up,I really appreciate it,I have my hands full with those two girls"

I smiled at her in response as she started drying and packing the dishes away.It was silent for a few moments until Fernando entered the room in what seemed like some clean clothes.I also noticed that the little bit of stubble that had been on his face earlier was gone.

"There you are"He sighed in relieve

"Were you looking for me?"I asked,trying to hide my crooked smile

"Uh huh"he smirked,walking closer 

"I'm still here"His mother chuckled after she cleared her throat

We both blushed and after I finished helping,we said our goodbyes and starting walking again,he was holding me closer to him with his one arm loosely hanging around my waist,holding the bag of clothes he had sneaked past his mother in the other hand.

"So what are you thinking?"he asked breaking the silence

"I think your family is wonderful,they seem really nice."I replied smiling

"I'm glad you like them because they obviously like you too"he replied kissing the top of my head.


It was 22:30pm when we reached the hotel,I was really tired and so was he,even though we slept most off the day.Once we entered my room,I changed into my pajamas and crept under the bed covers,he joined me a few minutes later and wrapped his arms around me.After we made out for a while again,we both fell into a deep sleep.

{Sorry once again,I know this is a short and boring chapter but I will make it up to you in the next one,I've been having a little bit of writers block,and wasn't quite sure what to write,anyway...please vote or tell me what you think in the comments}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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