Apperence Part One

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Since apperence is so important, for the next few things, I need you to choose 10 numbers from 1-15.

I'm chooing 3, 5, 15, 11, 4, 1, 8, 10, 14, 12.


For this one, use your first number

Hair color:

1. Golden

2. White

3. Dark Auburn

4. Gray

5. Dark brown

6. Light brown

7. Pink with yellow roots

8. Dirty Blonde 

9. Blonde with blue streaks

10. Black

11. Strawberry Blonde

12. Platiunm with green, black and red streaks

13. Rose Gold

14. Cheastnut

15. Bald

My characters hair is dark auburn!

Hair cut

For this one, use your second number

1. Super short (pixie cut)

2. Just below the ears

3. Shoulder length

4. Upper back

5. Lower back/butt range

6. Thigh length

7. Knee length

8. Down to your feet

9. Half shaved, half shoulder length

10. Bowl cut

11. Buzz cut

12. Crew Cut

13. Spiky Hair

14. French Crop

15. Other/you choose

If you character is bald, you can either change the number, or use this for if they ever get hair, or a wig, ect. 

My character's hair is down to her (I'm going to alternate gender pronouse for every page) back, and is dark auburn

Other hair things

For this one, use your third number


2. Never brushed, sometimes refered to as a rats nest

3. 105% of the time has some sort of hair product in it (hair spray, hair gel, ect.)

4. Styled for the occasion EVERY TIME

5. Well know for the most extravegant and crazy up do-s (Think Lady-Gaga, or maybe Princess Leias mom)

6. Braids to the end of the world, but its still striaght AF

7. Curly forever, and un-tamable 

8. Slightly wavy. They get a LOT of comments on how good it looks

9. Brags exceivly about how pefect it is. But its not. 

10. Currently missing large chunks from when thier friend shaved it off during a sleep over

11. Perfect. Litteraly matches every single hair magazine photo every imgained. Probaly already a modle.

12. Frizzy, and always in thier face

13. Sticks up in random places when every they go anywhere

14. They only where hats: something this ugly should never be seen

15. Split ends from playing with it to much

Ok, so my genderfluid, bisexual charcter has dark auburn hair, down to her lower back with split ends from playing with it to much.


Question of the day:

Any pets?

Should I make a pet part for your character?

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